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Things between Seojun and Suho had seemed to lighten up. The trio were currently sitting at a stop. Waiting for any cars so they can go back. Irene was squished between the two and was complaining about whose idea it was to not bring a car. Suddenly Suho's phone rang. The caller ID showcasing father. She put her head on Seojun's shoulder and closed her eyes. "How is your dad handling this?" Seojun asked holding Irene's hand and caressing it. Suho eyed them for a moment before answering "I don't know". Seojun laughed "In the past, I was so jealous of you for having a rich dad. But not I'm not jealous at all" Seojun looked in to the distance as he kept stroking Irene's hand. "Why were you jealous? You have a mom" Suho asked confused. "Are you trying to compete with who has the sadder life? Your family is rich" the statement made Irene open her eyes. "I'm not sure about that anymore" Suho said. "Yeah, the money problem is going to hit sooner or later" she said and went back to close her eyes and feel the peace she was feeling earlier. "Rich people don't have eating problems three meals a day even if they go bankrupt. You mean you are okay for three generations" Seojun argued with Suho. "You idiot " Suho said making Irene laugh. "What?" Seojun argued. A van passing them and threw a cigarette bud at Seojun's feet. "Gosh, who threw this cigarette bud" Seojun complained. The van stopped in place and a man popped his head out from the window "Are you talking to me?" Irene had opened her eyes because of the new voice. The man opened the door and got out of the van. Much to Irene's distress Seojun stood up "Did you throw the cigarette bud at us? What kind of gangster are you" He said acting furious.

Irene went and put her head on Suho's shoulder. "Look at this kid. He just called us gangsters" the man was furious too."Who is this kid?" "Who?" More people came out from the van. "Shit" cursed Irene. Getting ready to run if anything happens. "What's your deal?" Said a long haired dude. "Hey, kid. Come here" the one who threw the cigarette bud signalled Seojun with his hand to come closer. Seojun was about to go to them when Irene stopped him by holding his hand. "Control your anger" said Suho. "Her, run" said Seojun. He grabbed Irene's hand tightly pulling her up in the process and ran like his life depended on it. Suho who didn't have the time to process anything was left confused before he grabbed his clutch and started to run on one leg. "Hey, catch them" said one of the men as everyone started to run. "Seojun, help Suho" she screamed over the chaos. Seojun took Suho's clutch and threw it at the men. He quickly picked up Suho on his back and ran for his life. Irene was already running far ahead. The years of practice to walk and run in heels had finally paid off. Surprisingly enough the men couldn't catch them as they were all struggling to run. They had followed the trio in a field. Finally they caught up with Suho and Seojun, one of them went to stop the duo resulting for Seojun to lose balance and fall in a field along with Suho. "My gosh, what is this smell?" Complained Seojun as the grunted in pain. "Come out here" said the cigarette bud guy. Irene was far away from them. She only ran back when she was them falling. "They jumped into a pile of feces. What did they use to fertilize this place?" Seojun and Suho were smelling themselves and making disgusted faces. "Consider yourselves lucky" the cigarette bud dude said before he went away and everyone followed him. Irene rolled her eyes at him before looking at her brother and boyfriend. She was no way sitting in the same car with them if they smelled like poop. "You and your temper" Suho exclaimed. "I didn't know. I carried you" Seojun argued. "My arms hurt" Suho cried out while rolling further into the field. He went to touch Seojun but Seojun slapped his hand away "don't touch me". "Yah! Come out both of you. I'm hungry" Irene said as she walked away leaving them.

They had found a small car which was carrying dried grass. The driver had allowed Irene to sit on the bundles of grass, perks of being a women and pretty. Suho and Seojun were sitting beside each other. Suho winching from time to time and Seojun was sniffing his hand from time to time and was acomplaining about the smell. Seojun looked at Suho and laughed "Jukyung should see you right now". Suho scoffed "Because she would be disappointed? Look who is talking" Suho rolled his eyes. "Yeah Seojun. Look who is talking. I'll be true you stink right now and I'm hungry" Irene screamed cried the last bit. Seojun made a face of being hurt and Irene just copied him, making Suho laugh.

The three were eating noodles and aggressively slurping. "Do this in America and people will come with an etiquette book" Irene said wiping her face with tissue. "Stop spilling" Suho glared at Seojun. Irene took a tissue and wiped Seojun's face. "Aww...just look at this baby" she cooed. Seojun gave his closed eye smile in return. "Yeah Mr.Trickle" said Suho, making Seojun glare at him. "Add rice. Add rice" Irene cheered. "I will. I will. Calm down" Suho said adding the rice and mixing it with the soup. The trio finished the food. Seojun was huffing at the end "Lee Suho, get me some water". Suho gave him a judgy look but still went to the the fridge to get the water. Right then a notification sound went off and he rushed to his phone. His expression turned sour when he looked it was not his. "It's mine" Seojun looked him his phone. Suho sighed and went back to the fridge. "Did you two make up?" Seojun asked looking at Irene who was busy eating the last bits of rice. He pushed a strand of hair behind her ear making her look at him, her cheeks turning a shade of pink. "Stay out of it" Suho replied taking a water bottle out. Irene began to cough and he quickly passed the bottle to her. "How can I? You two are like kids. Maybe there is a reason why she can't tell others that you two are dating" Seojun said. "Wait! They are fighting again?" Irene looked at Suho in disbelief. "I'm so greatful to have a boyfriend like you" she patted Seojun's arm. "Like what?" Suho ignored her. Seojun who was smiling at Irene held her hand and turned back his attention to Suho "I think it's because of Soojin". Irene also nodded her head at the statement. "She is acting really suspicious recently. The looks she gives Jukyung. It just feels like something is off" Irene explained. "How are you in a relationship when you are so dense?" Seojun shook his head. Suho's phone went off, the caller ID being Jukyung's. "Bye bye lover boy" Irene waved at Suho as he went somewhere private.

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