9. Jay talk 💊

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Teddy's head pounded as she rolled over to keep the morning sun peering in through Jays grey curtains, out of her eye. She groaned as she pulled a pillow over her face.

"Your head hurts doesn't it?" A voice whispered.

Teddy's eyes shot open to see Jay standing over her with a cup of coffee in his hand.

"A little bit." It took a second for her to recount how she ended up at Jay's house.

"We have to get rid of your hangover before Voight picks you up." He grinned. In a way he was pleased she had a hangover, it was a fair consequence for getting drunk.

"He's picking me up?" That got her up fast, now she was sitting up wide eyed looking at the man she barely knew whose house she had slept in the previous night.

"He said he was heading this way about one, so we have some work to do."

"I think I might die." He laughed at the girl as she threw herself down so she was dramatically sprawled across the couch. Her brown hair stuck every which way out of her ponytail.

As she laid there she thought of the night before and how she spent half of it on the bathroom tile floor puking her guts out, while Jay held her hair. She didn't understand when he showed up to the fiasco but after the first episode he was always there rubbing her back and grasping her hair as he sat on the tub in his flannel pajamas pants.

"You need greasy food and Motrin." She sat up tucking her legs under her and smoothing out her hair. "And we need to talk."

That statement always made her heart beat, it made everyone's.

He handed her three Motrin and graciously she took them.

"A hot shower will help too. I left some stuff out in the bathroom. Why don't you go take a shower, get that alcohol smell off of you, and I'll make brunch."

She stood up a little too fast and Jay reached his hand out to steady her. When she entered the bathroom she saw the stuff he must have laid out for her. Sitting in a pile on top of the down toilet seat was two towels, a washcloth, an unopened tooth brush, and a mini bottle of conditioner. She turned on the water and stripped out of the clothes Jay had given her the night before. She jumped in the shower and realized that Jay was right, she felt much better. She never wanted to feel the way she did last night ever again.

After drying off and changing into the clothes that she wore to the party the night before she walked out of the bathroom.

"Do you have a brush I can use?" She asked meekly pointing to her wet hair.

"I have a comb?" He got up from his place at the stove and walked to the bathroom she was standing in. Teddy could hear the sound of frying bacon.

"I'll try." She smirked. She combed out her long dark brown wavy hair, and put the comb down where he had found it.

"How are you feeling?"

"Better, much better."

"Brunch is done, we can eat over here." He pointed to the little breakfast nook in the corner of the apartment. Teddy made her way over to the table as Jay set down two plates of bacon and pancakes.

"Thanks." Jay poured syrup on his pancakes and handed it to her.

"Thanks for last night and today." Teddy stated looking down at her pancakes. "Voight would have killed me."

"People have to get bailed out of trouble sometimes and I know Voight is not a fan of underage drinking, but neither am I."

"I'm sorry; I didn't plan on it to happen. It just sort of did."

Chicago Pd x Teen!reader On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara