14. No Rainbows Without Rain🌈

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It sounded like such a great idea. She felt so bad the first thing she thought of was getting a thought of the warm liquid lining her throat and numbing her mind was so appealing that was all she could think of. The Frank thing was killing her, she didn't understand why she wasn't sad, why she was functioning so normally when the man who had raised her was dead. Parker had made a good point and for the last few days it had stuck with her. She couldn't help but think that she wasn't human, that she must be a sociopath. That feeling had just overcome her and now she couldn't see past it. She needed to escape and that was the only way she could think too. She feared she had turned into the one thing she vowed never to be .

Now she hated that idea and she hated herself even more. Teddy wasn't even at the party more than twenty minutes before the police had come. she hadn't even taken a sip of her Mikes-Hard Lemonade before the cops had shown up but because she had one in her hands she was busted for underaged drinking. Now she was sitting in the grass completely sober being asked contact information for her parents. She wished she was drunk, at least being busted would have been worth it.

The longer she sat there the more she wished she would have listened to Jay when he said that alcohol wouldn't solve her problems, only create bigger ones. Voight was going to kill her, she shuddered just thinking about it. The more she thought about it the more she hated herself. When she decided she wanted to get drunk she should've thought about the massive headache she had the last time she did, or how cold the tiles of the bathroom floor was as Jay held back her hair so she could puke. Maybe then she wouldn't be in this situation.

"What did you say your guardians name was?" A young officer with a name plate that said Matthews asked her.

"Officer, can't you just let me go?" She pleaded "He's going to kill me. I didn't even drink. "

A tear streamed down her face. Even though she had distanced herself from Voight lately she didn't want to move out. Now that Frank was dead she would have no one, to go to. If he found out she was sure he would want her to leave. She had put him through so much hell for the past week, they barely even spoke.

"Contact information."

"Sergeant Hank Voight." Hrr lip trembled at her own mention of his name.

" I got it.'

Teddy sat there in a pool of self pity, as she listened to the officer speak to Voight, She was so dumb, she had just gotten ungrounded today, she wondered what he was going to do to her about this.

"He'll be here in ten minutes. Until then, sit right there." He moved away adjusting his dress blues, leaving his hat in his hand.

Ten minutes later she saw Voight's Black SuV come around the block and fear instilled itself in her. She sat there rubbing her arms hoping it would stop her from shaking. He was so mad about the fight, everyday since she had woken up at four o'clock and was forced to spar with Antonio. Then she was given a job to do at the station. One day she was filing papers, the next days she was shining the shoes that went with the officers formals. The only break she got was when Jay, or Adam had convinced Voight to let her run with them somewhere they needed to go. Other than them, the rest of the team had been just as hard as Voight. Especially Antonio; Antonio took the whole situation very seriously.

Teddy's heart started beating rapidly as she saw him get out of his car and officer Matthews spoke to him for a moment, then he made his way towards her. She rested her head on her knees not wanting to face her destiny.

"Let's go Teddy." His voice was firm. He reached his hand out to her, and she reluctantly accepted it. He pulled her up so she was standing and silently lead her to the car.

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