17. Little one 2

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"Jay?" Teddy called trying to keep her eyes open long enough to confirm it was him. "Is that you?"

"Yeah, babe. I brought you some stuff." He smiled shutting the front door. She went to sit up but was stopped by his hand.

"No... no. Rest Teddy." He grinned at the brown hairs stuck all over her face. The young man set a stuffed polar bear in her arms and received a smiled full of gratitude in return.

"Thank you." She grinned.

"I thought it was pretty cute like you." Jay adored Teddy and as soon as he saw it he knew he had to buy it for her.

"Where's Hank?" She muttered easing back down into the pillows behind her. It took her a moment to realize the spot beside her was vacant but now that she did his absence was evident.

"He had a meeting with the commissioner remember?"

She shook her head no. Everything was foggy, she could only force herself to remember concrete things.

"He went to go ask for the next two weeks off so her could be home with you. That's why I'm here, because he didn't want to leave Erin here alone with you."

"Oh." She muttered. He watched as her eyes closed and she took a deep breath.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, smoothing her hair back with his hand. "You're burning up."

"I hurt." She admitted.

"Well I guess I'd be more concerned if you didn't" He smiled. "When I talked to Voight on the phone he said it would be about time for your medicine when I got here. Do you want some?"

She closed her eyes trying to relieve the pressure behind them.

"Yes please,"

"He said you need to eat something with them, are you hungry."

She shook her head no.

He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and stood up.

"We'll just have you eat a little bit of toast. Voight said you're nauseous and the pills make it even worse so toast will be your best bet."

"Can you help me sit up?" Her big eyes looked up at him as he stood up from his place next to her on the couch.

"You're supposed to be resting Ted."

"Please?" He couldn't say no to the pure innocence looking at him.

"After you eat you have to go right back to bed okay?"


He placed a hand behind her helping her rest her back against the back of the couch.

"There you go babe." He said as he pulled the covers over her. "I'm glad you can stay awake for more than five minutes today. Yesterday when I came to visit you slept the entire time."

She watched as he walked into the kitchen and grabbed two pieces of bread from the bread drawer.

"You've been over five minutes and you've already given into her, Halstead. I thought you were more than a man than that." Erin called as she walked into the living room her hair in a towel.

"Could you say no to that?" He shrugged buttering the piece of toast in his hand. He smoothed back his hair. They both stared over at her who looked to be in her own little world with the bear in her hands.

"She has you wrapped around her finger," She smirked, kissing his cheek.

"She was hit by a car for christ sake! I'd let her paint my toenails if that would make her feel better."

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