11. Bad day 🎉

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"Does anyone have any questions about the project? " Mr. Woodruff asked his fifth hour class. He sat down on top of the stool that was upfront, and crossed his legs.

"Do we have to present in front of the class." A girl named Anna asked.

Even though Teddy and her had been in all the advanced classes together, Teddy still hadn't gotten herself to taking a liking to her.

"Yes, everybody will be presenting in front of the class."

"That's dumb." Teddy scoffed under her breathe . Her arms were crossed over the Nike t-shirt she had on. She smoothed her hair that was in a bun.

"What was that, Teddy?" He asked.

He knew exactly what she said, but he wanted to give her a chance to change it.

"I was just wondering why we had to do such a stupid project?" She asked. His face dropped pail in awe as her words met his ears.

"I would watch it, Teddy. Why don't we talk about it after class?"

"I have another question." Teddy stated, raising her hand.

" Do you even think about your students when you decide to assign these assnine things?"

"Teddy." He growled. He fixed his silver tie trying to regain his composure.

"But seriously, why the hell do you love to humiliate your students so much? You love to see us suffer don't you? I mean you have nothing better to do with your life than to make us suffer."

"Ms. Sharkey, this is your last warning. I would take a few deep breathes before you say something you might regret."

"So your family trees are due Monday, everyone is presenting, and there are no exceptions. Now one more time before the bell rings, does anybody have any questions?"

"I'm sorry coach, I actually have a real question this time." Teddy smiled raising her hand.

Derrick exhaled in relief .

"Yes, Teddy?"

""Did you become a teacher because no other profession would accept you, or did you think that you had good ideas?"

"Ms. Sharkey, I would like it if you would please stay after class." His voice boomed. The whole class giggled.

"And what are you going to do if I don't. I mean it's an option, isn't it?"

"No it's not an option, and if you don't choose to stay willingly, I have my ways of making you."

"I'm so scared." Teddy mocked, wiggling her hands in the air.

"My office, now." He grabbed her arm and lead her into his office.

"Class is dismissed." He called.

" What the hell has gotten into you?" He asked, slamming the door.

"I don't want your special treatment, lay it on me, what detention? I can deal with that. In the mean time you should probably take my words to heart."

"You're sitting there until you tell me what the hell has gotten into you."

"Well maybe you should get some popcorn and start a movie because maybe I'm just a little fed up with these dumb assignments."
"You know what,I think I need to give you a call home. Maybe see what's been bothering you lately to make you act so out of character in my class." He pulled the phone over to his desk and picked up the receiver.

"Maybe if you thought with that big head of yours you could figure this whole damn thing out."

"Do I need to call home Teddy, this is your last chance, this isn't you, and I really don't like."

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