Divorce papers S.J

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Suddenly the door swung open with a bang scaring Scarlett. She was having a quiet and peaceful morning after you left having breakfast with her.

You walked in and dropped your bags and file on the couch and coffee table before hurrying your way up to your room after saying a quick hi to your wife. Seeing you in such a rush, Scarlett places her coffee cup on the kitchen table before following you up the house.

"I thought you went to work?" Scarlett sees you taking off your clothes. It was one thing you hate, having no time to plan what you were going to wear so you just reached for the set of clothes you were going to wear for the next day.

"Yeah, until someone decided it was funny to spill coffee over my shirt." You just finished unbuttoning your shirt and putting another on.

"I'll wash this for you." Scarlett said as she took your stained shirt.

"Thanks dear. I have to meet a client today, so I gotta go. I'm going to be late." You gave her a quick kiss before taking your bag and leaving the house. "Love you!" You shouted from the door.

Scarlett came back down after putting your clothes in the laundry and she noticed a brown envelope on the table. Not knowing if it was important if she should wait for you to come back or deliver it to you, she decided to open it.

Legal documents can be hard to read with all the terms and conditions but that word only has one meaning. 'Divorce papers'

Her mind instantly went to all the bad thoughts. Why would you suddenly have such papers? Was she doing something wrong? Did you feel like this marriage was no longer working? Was everything falling apart?

'Nononono Scarlett, pull yourself back. She was still smiling earlier. Your wife is a lawyer, she carries this kind of papers.' Scarlett thought to herself.

She concluded that it must be the papers you were going to need for your client so she took her car and started driving to your workplace. But during her journey, the same two words kept repeating in her mind. It was scary, reading it without context.

"Hi, I'm here to see Ms Y/L/N." Scarlett said when she reached the reception. You took on Johansson's last name after you got married but you kept your last name for work for professional reasons. The reception lady, knowing both of your relationship, was going to let Scarlett in until she realised that you were going to have a meeting in five minutes and would normally reject anybody from entering.

"Ms Y/L/N is going to have a meeting, I don't think she's going to accept meeting anyone." The lady informed Scarlett.

"I know. I brought something she left at home that she needs for the meeting so I'm sure she would agree."

Seeing as it was a reasonable answer, she decided to knock on your door before informing you that your wife was waiting to meet you.

"Okay okay, let her in. Tell Emma to change the meeting, I think I misplaced the document." You talked to her without looking, more focusing on flipping through your desk to look for the missing piece of envelope.

"There's no need." You heard your wife's voice before looking up. "I have it here. You left it on the coffee table." Scarlett waved the envelope you were looking for in her hands.

"Oh thank god." You placed a hand to your chest. "Alright, the meeting will go as planned."

The lady nodded before leaving you and Scarlett alone in the room. Scarlett opened her mouth to speak but you beat her to it. "Just stay in my office, the meeting is only going to take thirty minutes top." You took the envelope and rushed off to another meeting room where the client was already waiting.

Scarlett tried very hard to keep her eyes on her phone or the table while waiting for you. Who knows, one wrong look and she might see something she was not supposed to. Most of the documents are in a file with the plaintiff and defendant names on the cover. Who knows if someone was suing Disney?

Scarlett waited until you came back. It was a tough case of divorce like the rest you settled, but it wasn't the toughest. Each just wanted what they thought was a fair share of theirs.

"Sorry, hope you didn't wait too long." You said once you came back and closed the door behind you. Scarlett gave you a pout before walking towards you. She placed her arms around your waist and you did the same, looking affectionately at your wife, before kissing away her pout.

It was way too quiet and you saw Scarlett was looking away at something. You followed her eyeline and saw that your blinds were up and practically everyone had a free show.

You went red and immediately went to draw your blinds, cursing yourself for rushing.

"You know, you gave me a scare when I saw what was in the envelope." Scarlet said. You had to think for a moment as you didn't remember giving her any envelope until you remembered that she was talking about the one you left behind.

"Sorry. But you know that would never happen."

"I know I know, but I can't stop it from entering my head."

"Why don't you go home and wait for me? I'll try my best to finish on time today."

"Alright..." Scarlett turned to leave but she remembered something. "What about lunch? We could have something together? Or should I bring over some food?"

"I think I should have time for lunch at..." You turned to look at the time on your computer. "12.30pm?"

"Great. I'll meet you again here at 12noon." You blew her a kiss before she left, leaving you with your memories of her around.

Written on 16 Feb 2022
Posted on 13 Aug 2022

Just a fun one I thought I'd write.

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