Post it notes pt2 N.R

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Natasha POV
"As always, great work Agent Romanoff and Barnes." Fury collected and roughly reviewed the information we retrieved once we got back. "Go back to your respective lady and gentleman but be prepared for any other mission."

Bucky and I looked at each other before walking out of Fury's office. We walked separate ways as I headed to my office to settle some stuff. The week of mission took the time away I needed to review the stack of mission reports given to me.

Déjà vu came across me when I saw the bright sticky note on top of the stack of paper.

I miss you.
Don't stay too long in the office okay?
I miss your cuddles...
Love you Xx

I transferred the sticky note to my computer and decided the reviewing of reports can wait a little longer. After finishing a successful mission, surely Fury could give me a few more days. I mean, he was the one who sent me on a mission, otherwise I would have completed it days ago.

I went to my car I had parked in the garage before leaving for the mission. There are allocated lots for the Avengers.

And another post-it note was pasted on the steering wheel.

Drive safe.
Depending on what time you're back,
I may still be in the lab.
I can't wait to see you
Love you, always. Xx

She must have used the spare key to get into my car. Did she mess with my buttons though? I made sure to check the mirrors, seats and even the engine before driving off.

So far so good, you could never know with her pranks and such.

"Hi Nat! You're back!" Wanda was watching a movie in the living room. "How come Bucky came back first?"

"I had to go back to my office. Where are the rest?" I asked.

"If you're asking about your girlfriend indirectly, she's still in the lab."

"You're lucky I'm in a good mood Wanda."

"Wow, the Black Widow is in a good mood. How rare..." I shook my head and ignored Wanda before heading up to my room. I was greeted with another post-it note on the door handle. I took it as I opened the door.

Have a shower first.
You can come and find me in the lab if you are not tired
Or I can go find you later.
I love you.

Seeing my feelings being reciprocated warms my heart. I quickly shed off my dirty suit and took a shower before heading to the lab. How could anyone be too tired to see their girlfriend after not seeing her for a week?

Y/N was doing some precision work when I entered the room. Tony noticed me immediately and I placed a finger to my lips. He took the hint and walked out of the lab, leaving Y/N and I alone.

"Okay Tony, I'm done with this. What's next?"

I wrapped my arms around her and placed my chin on her shoulders. "I miss you too, baby."

"NAT!" She dropped her tools on the table and stood up turning quickly.

"Hi-" Before I could even fully see her face, her lips were on mine, kissing passionately. Even when I tried to pull away, she pulled me back and continued. Only when her lungs were screaming for air did she pull away.

"Now you know how much I missed you." She said.

"You read all the post-it notes I left you?"

"Depends on how many you placed."


"Oh. I missed one." She said disappointedly.

"You're meant to miss it. I was hoping I could give it to you. Let's go." I took her hand and we went to our room.

Y/N watched as I searched through my closet. "Were you expecting me to dig through your closet?"

"Not really. I don't know what you would do when you miss me... Here." I passed her the box I was looking for.

"What is this?"

"Open it."

She took a minute to read the post-it note and I was getting anxious by the second. There were only four words, it wouldn't take her that long to read.

"You seriously proposed to me using a post-it note?"

"So is it a yes or a no?"

"YES! Of course it's a yes! You want to put the ring on?"

I nodded and took the ring out of the box and slid it on her finger.

Whenever either of us goes on a mission, we would always leave post-it notes behind for the other to find. Partly to take away the loneliness and occupy one's mind until their return.

We each have our individual boxes that keep the post-it notes safely.

Written on 11 Dec 2021
Posted on 16 Jun 2022

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