Practice Gone Wrong S.J

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Your POV
There was a schedule military dry run on counter attacking terrorism on one of the mall today. The police had already booked the entire place so that no civilians were able to enter. The practices were to be done in blank bullets and there shouldn't be a high risk of getting injured. Nevertheless, Scarlett was always worried when I head to work due to the danger it comes with.

She kept reminding me to stay safe and be careful when I leave the house along with her usual 'I love you'.

"The vest comes with an indicator. When you see your vest light up, move out of the playable area and do not communicate with anyone." Our instructor was briefing everyone on the rules.

After splitting up into two teams, one for the terrorist and one for the strike team, people started to move into their groups. The terrorist team went into the building while we stayed out to discuss our plan.

"We should split into two groups." Derrick started. Since he has the highest rank amongst us, it was natural that he was going to lead. "Based on the blueprint we have, there's another level. Team A would head up once we are in the clear and split from there, and Team B would stay on the ground level." (you're on Team B)

There wasn't much strategic planning going on as how to react when an attack happened was taught to us while we were in the police academy. There's more reminding each other where to look and checking each other blind spots.

The alarm goes off and we are in position immediately. We breached in at all angles. The sound of bullets shooting sounded and there were already some people with their vest lighted up. Team A moved swiftly up the stairs in a straight line as we threw all sorts of grenades around. It's more often easier to defend than to attack, hence speed is of the importance.

Once we were in, we moved to some hard cover for protection as we slowly made our way around to surround the area. Taking down the opponent one by one we were able to suppress the terrorist quite a bit.

"Y/L/N, move up and secure the right side." Derrick instructed and I signalled a few of my men under me to follow along.

Maintaining focus and our guns up, we managed to knock out a few of them. But eventually, they were already holding our angle behind cover and took us down quickly. Hearing the beeping sound and light on my jacket, I sighed before moving out of the way. Derrick was still pushing in from the left and meeting with heavy resistance since the enemy team knew that the right side was clear.

In the end, things didn't end well for us as the simulation ended with us losing when the whistle was blown. "I guess the terrorist won again this time." I said as I went towards Derrick to help him off the floor.

"One day... one day we will defeat them. It's funny how you and I never managed to be on the terrorist side." Derrick commented. Him and I go way back when I first signed up to be a police officer. He was my instructor for a few weeks and we bonded really quickly. Sadly he was transferred to another special forces and another instructor had to replace him.

We walked towards the exit with our gear beside us. "I'm satisfied as long as I'm on your side. I miss having you around."

"You mean messing around with me?" He joked. "Do you know how-"

He wasn't able to finish his sentence as guns started firing. Both us looked at each other with knowing glance as it sounded different from earlier, this was a real gun... with real bullets. We dove behind cover as we were defenseless. We could only wait for the rest of the forces that were waiting outside to enter and fight against them.

Time was not on our side. The actual terrorist entered swiftly as they sprayed bullets. Derrick and I crawled to another cover in an attempt to disarm the person closest to us, hoping to be able to get his gun. I looked at Derrick and he was holding his fingers up, counting down the numbers. Once it hit zero, both of us rushed out. I grabbed the guy's neck while Derrick took his gun and smacked it against his head. I took the pistol from the unconscious guy and started shooting those who were alerted from our actions. Once more people started dropping those on our side, took the guns that were left on the ground and started shooting as well.

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