Adopted S.J

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You were running.

One thing led to another and now you were looking at Scarlett signing the adoption papers. You didn't know who they were but Scarlett did tell you that she and her family were here in London to film and record their respective films. Since the couple was here, they were accompanied by their daughter, Rose, as well.

You had spent some time with their daughter while they were filming here but due to both of your shy nature, when you were alone with her, only silence was heard. Your new parents tried to strike a conversation between the two of you but the answers were often short and concise, leaving no room for expansion.

Throughout this time, you felt Scarlett was really familiar. She sounded really familiar, especially when she said certain phrases, you just can't seem to pinpoint where you heard her from.

At the end of two weeks, you were closer to everyone in the household but you were still a woman with few words. You were trying to get closer to Rose physically by playing with her, but you'd still hardly talk.

"Y/N, we will be flying back to New York in four days. I know you don't have much here but make sure you have everything if you don't want to come back." Scarlett said when she entered the living room to see you playing with Rose. Your eyes widened at her words. Flying?

"But- but..." You were struggling to find the right words to convey your meaning, a simple mission really.

"What's wrong? Are you scared of flying? It's going to be fine, I promise." Scarlett was trying to calm you down even though she was the one who was panicking.

"Nonono. I don't know anything about flying... I-I don't have a passport..." You revealed. There wasn't a need to travel abroad so they didn't make a passport for you.

Scarlett heaved a sigh of relief. "You don't need to worry about that. I've taken care of everything for you. I just need your photo." Scarlett explained. When she was booking the flight back, she noticed that your passport was not in one of your belongings.

She tried calling the centre to make sure it wasn't left behind but they told her that you didn't get a passport done because your biological parents didn't travel overseas.

Strike when the iron's hot, since they were on the topic, Scarlett went to Colin's bag to take a camera.

"Just smile lightly, but you can't show your teeth or the application won't go through."

You stood in front of a white background and pressed your lips together before smiling awkwardly. "If you're nervous, I can set the camera's timer for you, after a couple more tries?" Scarlett knew that it was hard to force a smile out of you.

You nodded and gave your hardest, you didn't want to trouble Scarlett any further. It was just a picture, it shouldn't have to be this hard.

"Alright this should do." Scarlett came close to you to show you the preview of the photo she was going to use.

"Thanks..." You said softly before turning away to head back to the living room.

"Can I join you?" You said in a slightly higher volume than you would normally use so you could make sure she heard and you didn't have to repeat yourself. Rose looked up at you and you thought she was going to decline you but she said. "You can have Buddy over here." Rose handed you the toy dog.

--- > time to fly <

"I know this is your first time flying but relax, there's nothing to be afraid of. Rose loves flying too." Scarlett pointed to Rose who was sitting next to Colin, waiting excitedly for the plane to take off.

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