How am I going to trust? N.R

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After a successful mission that everyone has worked hard for, Tony reserved the entire restaurant for the team to celebrate. There wasn't a need for that but he wouldn't be Tony if he didn't do that.

The team drank a lot seeing how it was a celebration and they can finally relax after cracking a tough case that they've spent a lot of effort in. It meant a lot to Nat as she has put in a lot of effort in this investigation.

The two of you have been together for years and the whole team was rooting for the both of you and were even considered to be the power couple around. Everyone was just waiting for you to be married but you brushed it off, not wanting to rush or force her into anything.

Natasha understood how stressful it was for you and was going to try to wrap it up by the end of the year and promised that she was going to marry you once the case was over. You can't lie, but your heart did flutter when she gave you that promise.

The case was tough and Steve has been coming over to your guy's apartment as they worked on the case together. He even has the key to the apartment since he was coming so frequently. You didn't like that he has free access to your house but you didn't say anything. You trusted Natasha. Your work in SHIELD also often ended late and by the time you came back, they would be in the computer room reviewing the case hoping to find a lead.

One fine day, Nat happened to find her pictures in Steve's phone and he confessed that he has feelings for Nat but he never wanted to separate the both of us. Things were a little awkward after but I still trusted Nat. Steve and you were fine, you still had conversations when you were around.

Nat was grateful that you never complained about a single thing when she couldn't pay much attention to you. In the few minutes you ladies spend together, she would be on her phone updating the team and going through updates. When she was there with you, she was never truly there. Sometimes she would only have a couple bites of her lunch before leaving saying her team has found a clue. You would always reassure her it was fine and she should leave and focus on solving the case.

One day after bringing you out for dinner, Nat proposed to you using an origami paper ring. She recognised your efforts and promised that she was going to marry you at the end of the year whether or not she managed to solve the case. You happily kept the paper ring in a safe place.

You prepared the wedding with some help from the team, after all you need ideas on what theme and design it was going to be. You tried to involve Natasha where possible such as trying on the wedding dress/suit but she had to leave halfway when her informer had information for her.

So when the team managed to finally solve the case, everyone was so happy that they drank a few too many.

You had further work to be done in SHIELD so you excused yourself early when you were still sober and returned to your office to work. Not knowing Nat and Steve had sex on the bed that night. Both were too drunk to recognise who they were doing it with. Nat kept calling your name in bed and Steve just pushed the guilt aside knowing this was probably the only time gets to do it with Natasha.

The next morning, Nat couldn't remember anything that happened last night but she saw the broken picture frame of the two of you on the floor and suspected something. She got up to leave but stepped on Steve's army tag that he usually carries around everywhere and linked the two and two together.

Nat used the excuse of finally being able to spend time with you and queued up for the restaurant that you always wanted to try out.

"The queue is so long. Let's just go to another place and eat. You hate queueing up." You tried to convince Nat to pick another place.

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