Chapter 9

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When I got to the back, I let out a breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding. I was enraged by that swine's boldness coming in here as if he owned the place. What enraged me the most was the fact that no one stood up to him. Bella claimed he was dangerous, but is he truly so dangerous that everyone is afraid of him? Why are the good-looking people always the bad guys? My phone rang, and I smiled when I saw the caller ID.It was Diego. When I picked up the phone, I heard his thick Italian accent on the other end.

We talked for a while, and I felt much better when I got off the phone. I was astounded at how much of an impact he had on me in just one day. He was all I had hoped for in a man,I just never thought I could get that from a man because usually men look at my body and never take a second look. He was tall, attractive, well-built, self-assured, caring, romantic, and witty. I'm still curious as to what he saw in me. Despite the fact that he could get any lady he wanted, he asked me out.

Bella arrived to tell me that the disgusting man had departed, and I grabbed her hand as she was about to walk away. 'Who is that man, and why are you so afraid of him?" She drew me deeper into the room and shut the door behind me. "Look, Arefa, I'm not sure how things work in the United States, but you're on that man's domain here in Italy.His name is Vincent Romano, and he is the capo of the Italian mafia. He is pure evil, and he will murder you without hesitation. He has complete control over all of Europe's systems, and no one has ever defied him and lived to tell the tale. It's a miracle you're still alive. Now, let's get back to work, because there are customers waiting to be served."

We stepped outside and began serving the people. I couldn't stop thinking about what Bella had just said. I'm thinking of leaving Europe. Perhaps I should visit Botswana, my motherland. I'm not safe here if Vincent is as dangerous as Bella claims. I spent the day assisting customers, and it was soon time for me to return home.


I returned home and took a shower. I went to cook when I was finished. I haven't cooked in a long time. I'm not a good cook, but the food I prepare is edible. I received a text from Diego instructing me to check my front door, which was strange because I don't recall ever giving him my address. Regardless, I went to check and found a large bouquet of red roses, chocolates, and a handwritten note.

'Hello, Tesoro,' read the note.'I hope you're doing well. I know it's only been a day, but your radiant smile and mesmerizing brown eyes have already left an impression on me. You are the most stunning woman I have ever seen. I'm looking forward to seeing you on Friday. xoxo your knight in shining armour'.My eyes welled up with tears. This has never been done for me before. I felt valued, but no matter how much I wanted to believe those words, I know I'm not the most beautiful woman he's ever seen. I picked up the phone and dialed his number to express my gratitude. I cried the entire time because I couldn't believe someone could adore me as much as he did.He informed me he was coming over because he didn't like the fact that I was crying. He stated to give him 20 minutes and he'd be there in no time. That meant a great deal to me. I sat on my couch, still crying, as I awaited his arrival.


Done with chapter 9.i will be posting chapter 10 in 5 hours.

@SadianaM thanks for your support and keeping up with the story.


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