Chapter 17

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It's been a week since the event, and it's been a week since the overweight girl came to my daughter's rescue. Since then, she has been in a coma. The bullet had caused more damage than we had anticipated, but the doctor assured us that she would recover fully. My men had discovered her paperwork in her suitcase, and it appeared that she was on her way somewhere. I had located and executed every member of the gang involved in posing  a threat to my daughter this week, and when I found the leader, I began by murdering his wife before killing him. I didn't feel bad about killing any of them; after all, I don't get called the devil for showing mercy.

Valencia had to explain herself a lot about why she lied and how long she had known the fat girl from the coffee shop. The past week, Layla hasn't been herself. Every night, she has nightmares and cries for the fat girl. I wish I could take her to meet the girl, but seeing her chained to machinery would hurt her even more. For the sake of my daughter, I sincerely hope that fat girl makes it. I despise seeing my daughter in this state. The overweight girl had a significant impact on my daughter's life; at one time, she addressed her as "mommy," which made me feel rigid to the point of acting as if I had misheard.

I got a call and at the other end of the line, the doctor said, "Sir, she is awake." I stood up and went to the basement because today I was working from home. That's where we set up our makeshift hospital, complete with cutting-edge equipment. I went down the stairs and spotted her. She was fully awake


I've been attempting to open my eyes for quite some time, but they sting. When I eventually got them open, the light blinded me for a few moments before I regained my composure. I looked around and realized I was in a hospital. When I tried to recall how I got here, all of my memories flooded back. I pushed Layla away from the man in the park who was about to shoot her. What if my parents dispatched him? Oh my gosh, what time is it? I have a flight to catch, and I can't risk my folks finding out where I am. My head was beginning to hurt, and a doctor was shortly by my side.

'Hey, don't do that; you'll injure yourself' the doctor told me and proceeded to ask, "Do you know where you are?" and "Do you remember what happened?" I give a slight nod.''Good' he said 'Mr. Romano will be here soon, so keep cool'. After a few minutes, we heard someone clear their throat while the doctor continued to examine me. When I turned around, I saw Vincent the Psycho standing there. I began to hyperventilate. Why was he here, and did he come to kill me? The doctor was quickly at my side, attempting to calm me down. Once I had regained my composure, Vincent entered the room and smirked. 'Do I terrify you that much?' he inquired. I tried to hide my fear by looking straight at him.

Vincent approached my bedside and gave the doctor a stern look causing the doctor to leave. "Where am I?" I asked him.You're at my home he told me nonchalantly. He asked, "Do you remember what happened?" I was about to answer when I suddenly wanted to know if Layla was safe.Only then will I be fine.'Layla, the little girl that had a pink dress on, do you have any idea where she is?' I asked him. He gave me an odd look. 'What is she to you that you ask about her and worry about her when you haven't even recovered?' he inquired. 'Please, just make sure she's safe,' I pleaded, tears in my eyes. I'll do anything. Tears welled up in my eyes as I uttered this. He assured me that she was safe.' She is stronger than you think' he said, 'she is a Romano.The Italian mafia capo's daughter.'



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