57: First Time Again

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It had been a long two months since the 'incident' that shall not be named, and Jack was actually doing a lot better. He's been good with not bottling everything up, and everyone else has learned that they don't need to praise him every second of every minute to make him feel better.

Elle was doing better because he was doing better. "Come on, get up. We're going to be late." She spoke, trying to shake her best friend awake.

"Why do we even have to go? We both know they're not going to let us do anything." Carl groaned. Rick had devised a plan to deal with a problem to prevent it from becoming a bigger problem, so he was holding a 'town meeting' to explain what was going on and to hopefully get people to help.

The problem? A nearby quarry had been filled with walkers. There was a small camp in the beginning, but the people turned, and more walkers fell in. Soon enough, the noise of walkers drew more walkers in, and now there were a couple hundred walkers at least at the bottom of the quarry being trapped in there by two massive trucks. Though, with the numbers increasing at a rapid pace, the trucks won't hold much longer, which is what Rick is trying to fix.

"It's good to know what's going on." She argued. The boy sighed, sitting up in his bed, knowing she had a point.

"Alright, I'll be down in a few minutes."

The night of the meeting, and the death of two members of the community, took a toll on a lot of people, a few more than others. Deanna had been keeping to herself, as well as her son Spencer. Spencer's been getting out more often though, realizing that he had to move on because Reggie wasn't coming back. Deanna knew that, but she needed time to grieve, and everyone respected that.

Ron was pissed at Rick, and for some reason, that led him to be pissed at Carl. Sam went into sort of a depressive state, being seven years old and hearing your father was killed isn't the easiest thing, but he knew that his father hurting him and his mom was bad and that they were better off without Pete. Jessie was mad at Rick, but not because he was the one to pull the trigger, but because he caused a huge scene. Though she would probably never say it out loud, she was grateful.

Enid didn't know how to comfort her boyfriend even though she too had lost her father. The night it all happened, she went to sit up on the wooden platform by the pond and played with a lighter. Elle went out, looking for Carl but saw him and Enid sitting next to each other. She watched as Carl set his hand on top of hers, Ron saw this too, and it led to more resentment towards the Grimes family.

Though, neither Carl or Enid know that they were seen by the two other teenagers, one filled with anger, the other filled with some sort of sadness.

"My team, we saw it early on." Heath started. The room was quiet and listened intently as he explained how he saw the quarry's population of the undead grow. "Back when we were on one of those first scouts, finding out what was around here. There was a camp at the bottom. The people," he paused, "They must have blocked the exits with one of those trucks back when everything started to go bad. They didn't make it, they were all roamers. Maybe a dozen of them?" He explained.

"No one's been back since?" Maggie asked him. He shook his head,

"DC, every town worth scavenging are all in the other direction. And I never really felt like having a picnic next to the camp that ate itself." He crossed his arms.

"So all while the walkers have been drawn by the sound, and they're making more sound and they're drawing more in." Michonne added. Rick nodded.

"And here we are." He said, making the story lead up to the current point. "Now what I'm proposing, I know it sounds risky," he quickly said, the room still silent. "But walkers are already slipping through the exits. One of the trucks keeping the walkers in, could go off the edge any day now." He looked around the room, confirming he had everyone's attention. "Maybe after one more hard rain. That exit sends them east, all of them. Right at us." Nobody made eye contact with anyone, grasping the situation. They deal with this problem now, or they all die.

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