Chapter 4- I shouldn't have done that

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"I swear I'm not making this up!" I groaned. The voice of the girl on the other line chuckled. "I threw the game in the lake and it suddenly appeared RIGHT UNDER me. Get this, it was wet. I swear I'm probably going crazy."

"I'm sure you're not," Anaya said. "Have you told your mom and brother about any of this, or am I just special?"

I rolled my eyes. "Even if I did tell my mom, she would just think I'm crazy. And just a week ago, I was making fun of Alex for being afraid of a dorm ghost. He would probably think I'm teasing him again!"

"So," Anaya paused for a moment. "Don't you think Alex would be the best person to talk to about this video game situation?"

Sighing, I rolled onto my stomach. "I guess you're right."

"Okay, then talk to him! I got to go, byeee!" the other line hung up.

Was this really happening? Am I seriously going to talk about some stupid ghost to my stupid older brother? Alex would probably say something like, 'knew you believed me,' or 'told you so.' Besides, I'm probably just going crazy. When I tried to send a screenshot of the message to Anaya, it was gone. The text, the screenshot, the number that sent it.

But the cartridge still haunted me.

I got up from the couch and headed upstairs to Alex's room. If anything, he was probably sleeping. Not that I cared, I needed answers.

I knocked on Alex's bedroom door. A groan was heard from the other side. "I'm coming, one second," Alex's muffled voice said. He opened the door and frowned at me. "What do you want, prick?"

"I think I'm being haunted," it was best just to get straight to the point.

"Is this a joke? If so, I don't want to hear it." He tried shutting the door, but I stopped it with my foot. It hurt.

"This isn't a joke. I think a ghost is after me and I don't know what to do!"

Alex raised a brow.

I sighed in frustration. "I think something is possessing this cartridge, please help me," I shoved the game in his face. He took one look at it, and became super pale. Alex took a step back, laughing nervously.

"Where- where did you get that?" He seemed scared, which started to scare me.

"That thrift store by our old house. Why?" I asked.

"You moron, I'm the one who left it there!" Alex said breathlessly.


Alex sat on his bed, covering his face. "Out."


"Get. Out."

That was unlike him, but I left his room without arguing.


(Narrator's POV)

(Y/N) tossed the cartridge onto her desk. That stupid hunk of plastic was getting on her nerves. Finally piecing the story in her head together, it all made sense. Alex got the game somewhere, had played it at his dorm, was haunted, then ditched the dorm and came home. But why was he so freaked out about it?

(Y/N) remembered the text from the unknown number. 'You shouldn't have done that, (Y/N).' It had to be some sort of sick prank. Or at least she needed to convince herself it was. There was no way a ghost would text her from the dead, right?

Overwhelmed from the panic, (Y/N) grabbed a pillow and buried her face in it. It has only been a week of living in this new town, and things were not going well. She was starting school the following Monday, a trio of boys were probably out to get her, and now she had a ghost problem.

A notification chimed on (Y/N)'s phone. Anaya, she thought. (Y/N) opened the notification.

She froze.

It was a text from the unknown number. It said, "You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?"

(Y/N) mouth went sour, but decided to respond to the text.

(Y/N): Who are you?

?: You know who.

(Y/N): Actually, I don't.

?: Yes, you do.

Bile raised in (Y/N)'s throat.

(Y/N): This is a joke right? Are you friends with Anaya? Please tell her this isn't funny.

?: It was never meant to be funny.

Before (Y/N) could react to the text, she was knocked to the ground by someone. She looked up at the mysterious figure, and stifled a scream.

He looked just like Link, but his clothes were wet, and he looked deathly pale. His eyes were black, other than his irises, which were blood red. Blood was streaming from his demonic eyes. He just stared at her, with a mischievous grin.

Then everything went black.

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