Chapter 27- Terrible fate?

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Trigger warning for this chapter! ⚠️


My mind felt foggy.

My whole body felt cold.

So cold.

I forced myself to open my eyes, but a stinging sensation throbbed my brain and I closed them shut again. Where was I? What was the last thing I was doing? Why is it so cold? Am I dreaming?

More questions flooded my mind as I slowly gained consciousness. Then, everything came rushing back. I was at Lunar Lake with Peter and a few others. Someone attacked me and must've knocked me out. It made me wonder how long I was unconscious.

Oh no, I told them about Ben...

I once again forced myself to open my eyes, ignoring the throbbing pain. I tried to look and my surroundings but my vision was dark. Someone blindfolded me. Not giving up, I tried moving my arms and legs. Part of me wasn't shocked to find out that my limbs were bound together.

I'm dead, I thought to myself.

"I think she's awake," someone whispered.

"Do we knock her out again?" someone else whispered.

"Don't," I pleaded, thankful my mouth wasn't covered. My voice was shaking a lot, either from fear or the cold. If they weren't going to kill me, then hypothermia definitely was.

"Shit, what do we do? It isn't time yet," one of the voices said.

"Knock her out."

"Please, don-" I tried begging.

Something hit me across the head, and I was unconscious for a second time.


I need to find a way out of this.

It was the first thought on my mind when I woke up again. The pain was only worse, and I was about ready to give up. There was no way I could get out of this, I was so screwed. Even if there was some way I was miraculously able to untie myself, I would still have to run through the woods and back home. I didn't know if I even had the strength to move. My head throbbed where I was hit, and the rest of my body was numb from the cold.

I felt the panic set in, but I felt so numb to it. I felt awake, but not entirely. This was the way I die. Killed just like Ben, tied to a cinder block and thrown in the lake.

It really was a terrible fate, wasn't it?

"Is she ready?" a familiar voice asked.

Peter, I thought, my mouth tasting sour.

"She should be," a different voice responded. "Is it time?"

"I don't see why not," Peter said, his voice sounding much closer." She's still unconscious, right? It would be much better if she didn't squirm through this."

"She hasn't woken up again since we hit her again."


Moments went by before anyone else spoke. It almost felt like an eternity. I would much rather be dead than suffer through this anymore.

"Mike's here."

The voice that said it almost sounded uncertain. I heard Peter curse under his breath. "Tell him to go away before I kill him myself."

The voice whispered something to Peter, making everything go silent. I couldn't hear what was being said, but I guess it was important because I head footsteps getting further away from me. Did everyone just leave me all alone?

The Boy in the Lake (BEN Drowned x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now