𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚐𝚘𝚗 𝙱𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎

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(Reader's POV)

Lucan flew down and back up, catching and collecting sheep, though the towers were getting too much for him to handle. You knew it was time to go up, you grabbed your helmet and your bow and quiver full of arrows, and strapped it on. Then you flapped your wings and took off into the night, your wings were dark enough to help cloak you through the night. This was a moment of seriousness, you couldn't lose yourself. You wanted to look down, and explore, but the thought of
disappointing your brother caught you to stay in the air.

"Come on (Y/n) do this for the family you can't stand except Lucan." You told yourself,

you listened out as dragons flew down setting the houses on fire, and collecting food. But you had to listen out for the night fury, you could hear your dragon, growling to do the job, but you couldn't do that to them. "No Dreamseer, we have to wait." You said. After a moment of silence, you heard it, it low and quiet till it got loud. A high-pitched shriek emitted from the cloud coming to pass you by. You closed your eyes and reached out your hand and...SNATCH!

You slowly opened your eyes, and looked down you were on the night fury's back, you did it! 'I did it? YES, I DID IT!' You thought in joy. As you strapped your bow on your back and placed both hands on the side of his head, your hands glowed blue. "Hit the towers." You told him. The night fury nodded, and flew up, circling around the isle.


Meanwhile, Hiccup desperately tried to convince Gobber, to let him out but to no avail.

"Oh, come on. Let me out, please? I need to make my mark!" He said,

"Oh, you've made plenty of marks. All in the wrong places!" Gobber replied, poking at him.

"Please, two minutes. I'll kill a dragon. My life will get infinitely better. I might even get a date." He said trying to persuade Gobber. But Gobber then did his thing of listing everything he couldn't do.

"You can't lift a hammer, you can't swing an ax, you can't even throw one of these!" He said holding up a bola, that a Viking took to bring down a Gronckle.

Hiccup nodded, "Okay, fine, but this will throw it for me." He said patting a wooden machine, but it sprang open, hitting a Viking standing in the background.

Gobber sighed and said walking towards Hiccup, "See, now this right here is what I'm talking about!"

Hiccup started to back up, trying to defend himself and the machine, "Mild calibration issue—" He started but Gobber shushed him, "Don't you-- no-- Hiccup. If you ever want to get out there to fight dragons, you need to stop all... this." He started gesturing to all of him.

Hiccup groaned, "But, you just pointed to all of me!" He argued. Which made Gobber nod, "Yes! That's it! Stop being all of you!"

Hiccup looked at him, hurt by his words. But he hid it and tried standing tall, which made him look like a shrimp wimp compared to Gobber, "Ohhhh..." he said nodding his head. Which made Gobber nod his head, "Ohhhh, yes."

"You sir, are playing a dangerous game. Keeping this much, raw... Viking-ness... contained? THERE WILL BE CONSEQUENCES!" Hiccup said, but Gobber pushed him back, with a sword. "I'll take my chances. Sword. Sharpen. Now." He said as he started to sharpen the sword.

"One day, I'll get out there. Because killing a dragon is everything around here. A Nadder head is sure to get me at least noticed. Gronckles are tough. Taking down one of those would definitely get me a girlfriend. A Zippleback? Exotic. Two heads, twice the status. And then, there's the Monstrous Nightmare. Only the best Vikings go after those. They have this nasty habit of setting themselves on fire. But the ultimate prize is the dragon no one has ever seen. We call it the—"

He snapped out of his thoughts when he heard a high-pitched whistle, along with a "NIGHT FURY! GET DOWN!" Yelp. He looked out, and from out of nowhere, he saw an explosion that tore up the catapult.

"This thing never steals food, never shows itself, and... never misses. No one has ever killed a Night Fury. That's why I'm going to be the first."

His thoughts again were interrupted, when he heard Gobber. "Man the fort, Hiccup. They need me out there!" He said as he attached an ax to his arm. Then as he made his way out the door, he turned to Hiccup, "Stay. Put. There. You know what I mean." He said then ran outside.

He was out of the door in 4 minutes, after Gobber left, he ran outside with his bola launcher. He could hear a few Vikings yell to him.

"Hiccup, where are you going?!"

"Come back here!"

Hiccup only looked back and yelled, "Yeah, I know! Be right back!" He ran up to a hill space, and quickly set up his launcher.

"Come on. Gimme something to shoot at, gimme something to shoot at." He mumbled to himself. He watched closely, as he saw a shadow, visibly blotting out the stars. A rush of adrenaline flowed through him, as the shadow shot out a ball of fire, and an explosion illuminated it. He didn't think he pulled the trigger and fired at it. He heard a loud cry is heard as the shadow plummeted down into a forest.


(Y/n) flew around the isle, hitting the towers and catapults. "WHOOHOO!" She whooped in joy, "Alrighty boy, the last one." She said, looking at the last catapult before she'd leave. "Hold your fire..." they said, "Ready...." She started getting closer, "Aim..." she said, "FIRE!" A ball of fire whirled from the dragon's mouth, causing the catapult to explode, "WOOHOO!"

(Y/n) cheered but it was short-lived, as something latched onto her and the Night Fury. She groaned trying to get up, but their wings were tied down.


(Y/n) cried out, along with the dragon, the sky came visible and disappeared as they fell down, into the woods. Then a crushing weight was put on them. But they couldn't move. "Dreamseer!" They cried out, "Help me please!" She cried, the dragon cooed, and turned into a shadow, a little pressure was off (Y/n)'s leg, but it was okay for now.

She tried reaching for the arrows, but to her horror, there was almost none in their quiver. "Shit." They said. They looked up, the dragons roared and she could see the light of the sun coming to dawn, "Shit!" She cried out. Their brother, and the herd leave before dawn. Panic overtook her, as she tried to get out of the net, and from under the dragon. But it was hopeless.

What were they gonna do?

ℐ𝓃𝓉ℴ 𝒯𝒽ℯ 𝒪𝓅ℯ𝓃 𝒜𝒾𝓇 (Hiccup x Winged reader)Where stories live. Discover now