1 - My First Kiss Goes Horribly Wrong

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Stoker City, Population 2.4 million and counting. Stoker City is the largest multi-racial city in the world. It's basically its own country, located in neither the United States or Canada, but the border between. Its towers are built higher than any other, its streets built longer, its people built tougher, and born richer.

I wasn't born in Stoker, but I've lived here since I was thirteen, right when high school began. I grew up in a small town in Washington, and one lucky day, my family drew the right numbers for the lottery. So, seeing as I needed a better education than the one I was getting, they sent me to Valentine Academy in Stoker City, a private school known for its incredible Arts program, and well-off graduates, while they went off on a permanent vacation, taking my younger sister with them.

My Aunt lives in a slightly lavish apartment downtown, and I've been living with her since my scholarship began. Aunt Jenny is a very nice woman. She's my mother's youngest sister, only thirty-three. She's a fashionable woman, always wearing bright colours, things that don't match and lots of cheap fluorescent jewellery.

She's always coming home wearing crazy colourful dresses or blouses with a tutu instead of a business skirt. She works at on office downtown, so you'd think they'd crack down on the dress code, but apparently they love it. It also helps that Aunt Jenny runs the company, so I doubt they've ever been too hard on her.

My room used to be her sewing room so a lot of her crazy creations are still hanging up in my closet, not that I would ever wear any out of choice. They're hideous, and I'm not even a fashion snob.

She makes sure to knit me one of her special sweaters every Christmas, so there is a plus to her 'creative side', not that the sweaters are any more attractive in design. I've dreaded going out for Christmas dinners because of these sweaters since I've had to wear one each night. Trust me, going to a restaurant with a cute waitress is normally fun, but try being suave while wearing a bright blue sweater that says, 'Christmas is C-C-Cool!' with a picture of a snowman flashing the peace sign. It's more impossible than any mission Tom Cruise has ever been on.

Because of this, I tend to spend a lot of my time away from home when I'm not at school. That time is spent with my two friends, Ramone, and Walter, though we all call him Walt. Ramone is a pretty chill guy, and probably my best friend. He's got gracefully tanned skin, cool blue eyes which he always hides with his sleek shades, and messy black hair that goes down to his shoulders, the same style as mine except I've got a chestnut brown colour.

Walt hails from London, hence the old fashioned named. He's got a chip on his shoulder, but he's a nice enough guy. He'd be a go-to for the ladies if he wasn't such an ass. He's the best looking of the three of us. He's got wavy short blonde hair with nice green eyes, as handsome as one can be.

Most of the time we talk about video games, or TV shows, or movies, and occasionally girls, though our tastes differ on that front. Ramone likes Hispanic chicks, Walt goes for the either the quiet nerds or the outspoken goths, and I go for the least attainable of the bunch, the popular girls, or one in particular.

Laurel Laurent is currently the most popular girl in our grade, and not without good reason. She dresses preppy. Cute red blouse, a short black skirt to really accent her smooth beautiful legs, topped off with heels as scarlet as blood.

Her makeup is always incredible, seriously, she has the most kissable lips in existence. Her long brown hair is always down, and gorgeously shiny. Her nails are long and crimson, she reinvented the word style. Every guy wants her, and every girl wants her. She's the perfect girl!

If only she would notice me.

'If only she would notice me,' I said out loud.

'What?' Ramone said as he slammed his locker shut. He stared at me through his dark sunglasses. 'Why would you want my madre to notice you? She already doesn't like you.'

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