10 - Blood Sister

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Laurel pushed open the large double doors. She led me into a large hall. Banners bearing the Laurent family crest hung from the walls and ceiling. The crest depicted a naked woman breaking free from a spherical shape. At the end of the hall where a long red velvet carpet led were two thrones. One red, and one black.

The black throne was empty, but in the red one sat a regal woman. She was adorned in a black gown, dark brown hair flowing just as long, and skin as white as snow. Mother Laurent.

Sprawled over her was maid, whose dress had been unbuttoned to reveal her neck which was gushing with blood.

'Mother is feasting,' Laurel told me. 'Maid's volunteer for this, don't worry. They aren't killed, only drained slightly. It is a great privilege to be bitten by a Pure-Blooded Laurent in this home, especially for our human servants.'

'You employ servants here?' I silently gasped.

'We rescue them from the dredges of society and give them new life among vampiric royalty. For them, serving us is no punishment. They like the work, and we treat them fairly.'

Laurel held my hand as we advanced closer to the throne. Mother Laurent shooed the maid away and wiped her mouth clean of blood. She smiled when she saw Laurel, but her eyes lit up when she saw me.

We arrived at her throne. I couldn't believe that the woman before me had given birth to Laurel. Mother Laurent looked like she was only ten-years older than us. I could still tell her age, not from her appearance, but from her aura. She exuded experience, and I was sure had lived a great many lives, not all of them filled with happiness.

Laurel curtsied while I bowed as instructed before. Mother Laurent looked pleased with the display.

'This is the new blood I've heard so little about, I presume,' Mother Laurent said. I stayed still and let Laurel do the talking.

'You are correct, Mother. She is the new Sister you requested to meet.'

'And a beautiful thing at that,' Mother Laurent said. She rose from her throne and faced me directly. Lightly, she stroked my face with her long black nails, which were more like talons. She was a raven, queen of the night.

She grabbed my chin, squeezing my face and lips, examining me, every painstaking detail.

'She has room to blossom, but you have done an excellent job preparing her today, Laurel. She has much potential as a Sister. You have chosen well, my dear.'

'Thank you, mother.'

'What is your name, dear Daughter?'

The raven woman was addressing me directly. I was about to say my real name, but Laurel's advice rushed back.

'I have not been gifted one yet,' I replied softly. Laurel sighed with relief.

'Than a name you shall receive,' Mother Laurent said. 'And please, call me Mother, for we are blood now.'

Mother Laurent examined me further, before sitting back in her throne and pondering. Her eyes lit up suddenly, and an excited smile stretched over her black lips.

'Your new name will be Evelyn Laurent, Evie for short. Evelyn fits you nicely, dear. Do you not agree?'

'Of course, Mother,' I replied. Evelyn? I'll admit, I like Brendan Fraser's Mummy movies as much as the next person, but apart from his girlfriend in those, Evelyn isn't the most common name. I was shocked and oddly pleased.

'I am looking forward to seeing more of you, my daughter Evelyn . I have faith that you will make a good Sister. I hope this means I'll be seeing much more of you as well, Laurel. I've missed you lately.'

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