11 - Adjusting to a New Me

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I contacted Helsing the next day, saying nothing about the night to Aunt Jenny who still believed I slept over at my friend's house, which in a way I did. The Good Doctor said I would see him soon over the phone but didn't tell me when. I hated how weird and cryptic he was.

Regardless, I went to school. Laurel and Walt were absent and Ramone was acting like his usual self. Aunt Jenny took me home early to go to a dentist appointment that suddenly came up.

She waited in the waiting area while I went in. The dentist and his assistant told me to wait in the chair as they went to get some equipment. They were gone for a while, and when they returned, they were completely different people.

But not strangers.

'Well, howdy ho, good chap!' the Good Doctor sang as he slid in, dressed as the dentist I presumed he had knocked unconscious. Millie followed, dressed ridiculously as usual. She looked like zombie-Japanese schoolgirl from some anime. Bloody scratches covered her uniform and her face was littered with fake blood.

'Nice costume,' I said.

'What costume?' she answered in her cute Irish accent.

The Good Doctor laughed. 'Oh, Millie, ever the joker, you are.'

She looked puzzled. 'What the fuck are you on about?'

The Good Doctor tutted. 'Resorting to profanities, are we, Millie?'

Millie nodded. 'Yes, we are.'

'Anyway,' the Good Doctor said, turning to me. 'You have news, dear chum?'

I nodded. 'I've successfully infiltrated House Laurent. Mother Laurent made me an official Blood Sister.'

The Good Doctor clapped his hands. 'Wonderful news! Strahm and Hoffman will be pleased.'

'What? They tried to kill me! They're evil!'

'No, no, no, they are actually agents. Helsing set up the attack to get Laurel to take you to her home in a realistic fashion, and it worked. We feared she would grow suspicious if you asked forcefully.'

'But Strahm and Hoffman were vampires!'

'We have a few Pure-Blooded Vampires employed in our services. Strahm and Hoffman are two of our most loyal. They're fine, by the way, but they're a tad peeved you've turned them into women.'

'Both of them?'

'Hoffman consumed your blood and Laurel's blood must have ended up inside Strahm during the scuffle. They're technically family now, lass.'

I sighed. 'Goddamit.'

The Doctor nodded. 'I gather in a few days they'll both be as pretty as you. Their wives are mortified, but who cares about that, a congratulations is in order Ms. Middleton. We'd like to take you to our offices to make you an official agent.'

I broke into a smile. 'That's awesome!'

'It's splendidtacular actually!'

'What is your Blood Sister name?' Millie asked. She stared at me with her usual blank, threatening stare. It was more of a demand than a question.

'Evelyn,' I said, my moment with Walt rushing through my mind again. 'Evie for short.'

'It has a nice ring to it,' she said. 'You're lucky Mother Laurent accepted you.'

A grim look washed over the Good Doctor. 'Our previous agents weren't so lucky, victims of Blood Feasts as I told you.' He paused for a moment before he took on a more serious expression. 'One of them was my son.'

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