9 - Shedding the Cocoon

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Lately, I've had a habit of waking up in unfamiliar locations. My eyes opened to a large roof painted like a starry night. This wasn't my room, and it definitely wasn't my apartment. I didn't live in a nineteenth-century mansion, and I definitely didn't sleep in a large four poster bed adorned with red sheets and curtains.

I looked under my covers and found that I wasn't wearing my own clothes. I was in a silky pink nightgown and matching panties. I was in a very comfortable position when I woke up, but I had no idea where I was. I waved the curtains away to a large girl's bedroom. There was a table with a pile of books next to the bed, a great many closet doors embedded into the wall, painted light purple though the color was greatly aged. There was a vanity near the closet. Laurel Laurent was sitting in front of it, carefully applying a coat of lip gloss to her juicy red lips.

No longer was she dressed plainly, color exuded everywhere. She had a red cardigan placed over a yellow top, along with a black pleated skirt accented by a pair of chunky heeled black Mary-Janes. It was a very old-fashioned look and by far the most modest outfit I had ever seen Laurel in.

She noticed me in the mirror and welcomed me with a warm smile.

'You're finally up,' she said. She walked over and gently grabbed my wrist, helping me to my feet. I was still a bit shaky, and I remembered why. I just had a machete lodged in my chest before it was forcibly ripped out.

Right after I kissed a guy.

What a night.

'I thought I almost lost you,' Laurel said. She wrapped me in a hug. 'But now you're healed up, good as new.'

'What happened to me?'

'I saved your life, again,' Laurel said. 'I had to perform another transfusion to make sure you didn't die on me. You had already lost so much blood...I had no other choice.'

'Another transfusion! What does that mean for me?'

She sighed. 'Take a look in the mirror.' I ran over, hoping for the worst. Luckily, my reflection remained unchanged. Apart from the fact that even without makeup, I looked like a girl. It had to be the nightgown, I hoped. It complimented my figure way too well. There was no way anybody who saw me now would believe I was a boy.

'Smile,' Laurel instructed. 'Into the mirror.'

I complied and saw for myself. I had fangs. Big, obvious vampire fangs. My pupils were also blood red as opposed to the deep blue they were originally.

'The transformation is basically complete,' Laurel said. 'In terms of becoming a full Vampire. The process was at a much slower rate before, but now, you'll probably need to drink blood to survive. Don't worry, your fangs and eyes will only come out at night.'

I was a monster now. I was better off dying if it meant I had to live like this, but I couldn't say that to Laurel. It would break her heart.

'I'm one of you now,' I said, though it was mostly for myself. I wasn't even human anymore. I felt alien in my own body.

'I'm so sorry,' Laurel continued. 'It was the only way to save you.'

I smiled back at her. 'And I thank you for it. Truly.'

My teeth and eyes weren't the sole thing that changed. I noticed my fingernails were longer than before. I had very feminine hands now. My hair looked like it had more color and bounced a bit at the bottom.

'You were soaking wet with blood when I took you home,' Laurel admitted. 'I had to wash your hair. That's why it probably feels so good. I had to recolor it a bit as well. Your roots were stained red. Strahm's blood really exploded on you.'

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