5 - A Trip to the Mall Takes a Dangerous Turn

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The next day was the warmest of the year, and my breasts were growing rapidly. I had gotten used to peeing while sitting down since it was much easier than the alternative, but it still felt weird not having any junk down there. My skin felt a lot smoother, especially on my face. I was definitely liking the absence of facial and chest hair, I was already a pretty lazy shaver despite how little I used to grow.

But the breasts were a problem. Even when I had my loosest fitting shirt on, they still stuck out. I wore two shirts and a hoodie which covered them up, but it meant I would have to battle heatstroke for the rest of the day. I nearly passed out on the way to school, which was thankfully air conditioned when I got inside.

'What's with the layers, dude,' Ramone called from down the hall. 'The temperature's baked.'

'Leave him alone,' Walt said, slamming his locker shut. 'If Gavin wants to faint, let him. Personally, I'd let myself get heatstroke to visit that hot new nurse. I bet she's secretly a supermodel and this is only her day job.'

'There's no such thing as a night shift supermodel, amigo. The correct term is porn star. How much are we willing to bet?'

Walt stroked his chin. 'Fifty bucks. That's as high as I'll go.'

'Deal!' Ramone said. The two shook on it. 'Either way, I'd bang her.'

I smirked. 'Good luck with that. I'm sure she'll go for sexist teenage boy with zero tact.'

'Hey, screw you man. A man's gotta dream every now and then.'

'Ramone, you're the furthest thing from a man I can think of.'

'Says you, amigo. It's not like I was the one who got mistaken for a girl yesterday. You still have those chicks numbers?'

'Yeah, they're 911 and 0458-GO-FUCK-YOURSELF. Enjoy.'

'Looks like the little lady grew a backbone.'

'Better than the twenty-four seven boner you've been rocking.'

Ramone playfully punched my shoulder, but I could tell he was trying to hide his excitement.

Walt and I made our way to homeroom while Ramone fumbled behind.

'Do you remember Wacky Wardrobe day a few years ago,' Walt said out of nowhere.

'Which one?'

'The one where you wore a dress.'

Of course I remembered it. It was the most humiliating day of my life. I was thirteen years old, my first year at Stoker. Wacky Wardrobe day was a tradition at Stoker. They got rid of it last year after someone's costume caught fire, but I took part in it only once.

Aunt Jenny was going to make a costume for me, but she ran out of time after getting caught up at work. Somehow, she convinced me to wear a dress she had made many years ago. It was a light purple dress that went down just above my knees. The sleeves were short but puffed and the chest area had padding to make it look like the wearer had a little more going on in that area. It was covered in patchwork flowers and clouds. Aunt Jenny had apparently made it when she was thirteen and had then thought it was a good idea to pass it down to her nephew.

She said it would be funny, she said it would make everyone laugh. It succeeded in that regard, but not in the way she thought. Nobody laughed WITH me as I paraded around in a cute purple dress. Aunt Jenny even had the gall to put my hair in a bun with a pink scrunchie and apply a coating of Cherry Lip Balm on my lips, giving it a faint red shine. She put a little blush on my cheeks, a touch of pink eyeshadow and even curled my eyelashes. She gave me a pair of matching flats and rainbow socks that went up to my knees alongside a flurry of bracelets for both arms. I was ready to be named the Class Clown for the outfit, but I regretted the decision as soon as I walked through the front door.

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