☁️ MHA Bakugo x Reader

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credit to the amazing artist-

Does contain cursing but it's Bakugo what did you expect

It was lunch time. I was sitting with my best friend and a few of my other friends. They were talking about their past crushes and it had come to me. My friends had started naming everyone I have ever liked. I was laughing and playing along with it. After a few minutes of them laughing, I was sick of it. "I've got to go to the bathroom. I'll see you guys later." I got up and left. I was now in the hallway. Tears escaping my eyes like a waterfall. As I started walking to the bathroom head down so no one would see how much of a mess I am right now. I had bumped into someone. "Watch where you are going dumbass!"

I whipped away my tears. "Sorry Bakugo I didn't mean to." I was about to walk away when he grabbed my wrist. Our eyes met and I instantly looked away. "Y/N, are you okay? What's wrong?" I tried to pull away from his grasp but he was too strong. "Teddy Bear please" my tears started to fall down my face. Bakugo had pulled me into a hug. Wrapping my arms around him, letting out all of my tears.

He had started stroking my hair and my back to calm me down. After I was done crying I pushed him away. "Sorry for hugging you, I didn't mean to do that." I could see the pain in his eyes. Trying not to act too awkward, I walked away from him. I felt something grab me and pinned me against the wall. "Y/N" He said in a low tone as he put his head on my shoulder.

"Bakugo what are you doing?" As his hands wrapped around my waist pulling me into him. I was a blushing mess. I felt something on my neck. "Bakugo I, what was that?" Did he really just kiss my neck? As he started to kiss up my neck. Our eyes finally met. "If you're not going to tell me. I just have to hope this makes you feel better." As our lips connected. The kiss was sweet and soft. "Y/N I know it might not seem like it but I really do care about you. You are my dumbass and I want you to be mine. Teddy bear, I love you." He kissed me again this time with hunger and passion. As he hit my lip to open my mouth. His tongue entered my mouth. "Damn your lips are much sweeter than I imagined."

-the end-

Anime Characters x reader Oneshots Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon