Chapter 8

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I was currently sitting in a square armchair. My back was straight as a board, and my hands were folded meekly in my lap. 

Dr. Monroe's office was organized, and everything was neatly put in its place. From the books lining one of his back shelves to the perfectly symmetrical degrees hanging on his wall, there was precision in all his decor. He was currently sitting in front of me, behind the fortitude of his large wooden desk. Looking at me slightly over the rim of his glasses and tapping his fingers. 

This was supposed to be a protocol meeting. He was to give me the letdown of how the hospital ran, go over the policies of their establishment, then we would end with a brief tour of the floor I had access to. Instead, the room was filled with a high amount of tension, the air was thick enough that it was almost hard to breathe.

The creaking of a chair to my right reminded me why the night had taken a turn. 

Mr. Radcliffe was also sitting, but instead of matching my stoic demeanor, the man kept moving. First the tapping of his feet. Then the crossing and uncrossing of his legs. Next the shifting of his hips as if he couldn't get comfortable in his chair. One arm up on the armchair, then back down, and then the other arm up on the other armchair. His eyes seemed to also be shifting uncontrollably, glancing everywhere around the room...until finally landing on me. 

For a split second, I'm caught. Damien locks eyes with me and his whole body ceases its previous fidgeting. If possible the air becomes even thicker with tension as neither of us looks away. 

The clearing of a throat has me looking to Dr. Monroe, and a slight whine is heard the minute I turn my attention away from Damien.

"I would like to begin this meeting with the clarification that its purpose is to clear up some previous misunderstandings," Dr. Monroe's voice is firm but very soft, almost as if he's scared of either me or Damien cracking if he speaks too loud. The doctor sits back in his office chair putting on the facade of ease, but his posture is rigid, and his fingers seem to have a slight shake to them.

Odd, if anyone should feel scared or intimidated it's me! I'm in my first meeting with my boss, and hopefully not getting fired.

Dr. Monroe turns his attention to me, "Brayden what is said in this meeting is strictly confidential. If any of this information reaches the public it could be detrimental to the hospital and all of our work here." 

I'm slightly taken aback and my eyes widen in shock. 

"Uh, of course, sir," I mumble not too sure of what is happening. 

Sending a quick glance to Damien I see his focus is not on me for the first time, but on the doctor. His eyes seem to be sending piercing daggers into the man across the desk, and if I were to guess, there was a warning to his glare that said: "tread lightly". 

I wasn't the only one who seemed to notice the laser glare, as Dr. Monroe once again cleared his throat and adjusted in his seat. "A few weeks ago Mr. Radcliffe was in an accident. More specifically, he was attacked by a wild wolf. While the physical injuries have healed, he has retained some mental injuries that we are still working through." 

My eyes widened into saucers.


I turn my astonished gaze to Mr. Radcliffe. His body is rigid and he refuses to look at me. Instead, he stares straight ahead, his body very tense and muscles coiled while his hands are clenched tightly at his sides. He seems angry as if he's trying to physically restrain himself from attacking the doctor.

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