2] Mystery Girl

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《Hear the music with headphones for best experience》

If you dont know how to play the song  while reading simultaneously (on phone) then here see this video to understand:

The next day at school in class Tetsuo was fast asleep. In sweet dreams of the mystery girl , her sharp eyes staring right into his and a playful smile on her lips .

As Tetsuo was drowned in the ocean of dreams about the girl, the teacher came to his desk and slammed his book hard."TETSUO KAGA ! OUT OF MY CLASS" he yelled . Tetsuo woke up rubbing his eyes ,picked up his bag and left the class irritated . Yet , all he could think of, was her. After school he went to his Go class.

And saw who he didn't wish to see . Akira Touya. Playing game after game with him as each time he got defeated,every time he burned more and more filled with rage he grit his teeth as a bunch of other kids surrounded the duo. The room soon filled with chatter and comments directed towards the red headed boy." You think youll ever win from akira!Ah hahaha what a joke!" " Heard you came second again! " Do you really think you are good at go ?" '' You should stop wasting akira's time really hahah!" His blood boiled . He screamed in frustration and stomped out with his bag.

He headed toward the park and collapsed on the bench.His eyes brimming with tears and his jaw clenched as hard as it could be ,when he sensed a familiar presence but before he could figure out who it was he felt a earbud get stuffed into his ear. Before he knew it , a soulful melody engulfed him.His muscles relaxed and his eyes shut but soon it was gone . " SHE'S GONE AGAIN SHIT! NO" he yelled in frustration as he ran his hands through his red hair, frantically running around like a madman searching for her with no luck.

He couldn't help it. He was completely drowned in her thoughts and dreams that he didnt care of his surroundings anymore, at this point with the toxic people surrounding and pressuring him he had come to hate Go, the one thing he used to cherish. Now all he cherished was her, he wanted to find her Beacuse deep inside he had a feeling that

She was the one.

She was the one who put a smile on his soulless face . He felt as if he had a reason to be happy . Just the thought of her made him smile and blush?

She Was The One [ TETSUO KAGA X READER]Where stories live. Discover now