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《Hear the music with headphones for best experience 》

If you dont know how to play the song while reading (on phone) then here see this video to understand:

The elevater opened .
It was a dark floor. There were no lights exept the ones on the corners illuminating the area ,emitting neon colours.

The passage had different people walking here and there.
There were several run down looking cool stores. Tetsuo spoke
" Y/N you didnt tell me though,what is this place? Its so cool.." Y/N replied as they walked.
"This building is Delta.
Its unknown to the normal world. All criminals,mafias,punks and certain people come here. Its high on security and isolated so common people dont find it.

We usually hangout here,there are bars ,casinos, restaurants,malls, and shops for all types of cool things." Tetsuo looked shocked he asked " well how do you know about this place ,and how do the people from here know you?" Y/N sighed."

Years back i was strolling near Delta and i managed to break in and discover it. I have uh....quite the reputation here so regulars here know me."
" so.." Tetsuo said while intertwining both their hands while coughing
"is this just us casually hanging out as. A couple"
She replied calmly
" no,im taking you out for a date you dork"

Tetsuo grinned to himself as his cheeks heated up and this time making the first move, he planted a kiss on her cheek. She smiled and instantly pulled him in for a kiss on the lips. It was short but it felt magical as he melted in the kiss and kissed her back slightly shocked. Their lips remained pressed as she caressed his cheek and ran her hand through his soft hair.
She slowly pulled away and he placed a hand on his lips shyly, while becoming as red as his hair. She just laughed and embraced him.

Soon the duo reached a big cloth shop and y/n led Tetsuo in.
Tetsuo picked a cool black tshirt and wide leg jeans for Y/N along with a black headband and a metalic belt. For Tetsuo Y/N picked out a red cropped baggy shirt and black skinny jeans with chains as accessories. She got him a black pendant that he loved . And they posed in the mirror while laughing and looking for more outfits. While passing the jewellery isle while y/n, Tetsuo saw a rustic metal ring with a snake design on it . He picked it up and kneeled infront of y/n while turning his hand to the side out of embarrassment and cheeks flushing. Y/N just stared down at his wholesome actions as she slid her hand threw the ring and ruffling his hair laughing as he too grinned and held her hands.

Later, they ate delicious meals at the restaurants and Y/n introduced Tetsuo to few of her gang members.

Y/N bought Tetsuo all the cool stuff that he wanted and they enjoyed icelollies while playing in the arcade. Tetsuo won Y/N a voodoo doll from the claw machine and she won him a little red bunny which according to her looked like him.

They both enjoyed the day at Delta and later went back to Imperial Kaiser.

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