Chapter 09

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Like Father, Like Daughter


That he would be able to fatefully meet Evelyn at the market while wandering through the streets was only his wishful thinking.

Though he had come out for a stroll, unable to let go of his hopes, at least there was the cute Bianca in front of him now.

'No, a fateful meeting with Evelyn like that is impossible.'

Islay pushed down on his hopes now. No matter how much he wished for it, cancelling an appointment a mere two hours before wasn't nice.

He also had to ask the mayor for help in locating Evelyn, anyway, so...

"Instead, why don't you visit me later, I'll wait for you. Got it?"

As he spoke, Bianca coldly nodded her head.

After taking a peak at his watch, he realized there wasn't much time left until noon.

"Well, it looks like I'll have to go now."

At those words, Bianca had a disappointed facial expression.

"Awww, already?"

"So I'll be sure to buy you even tastier ice cream than today's, okay?"

After patting the child's shoulders, he exited the shop.

As he took a bite of ice cream, the rich and sweet chocolate taste burst in his mouth. As the little weariness he had left quickly receded, Islay had a small smile on his face.


Soon, Evelyn returned.

But, what in the world? Why was Bianca eating a strawberry ice cream and not the chocolate ice cream she had bought for her?

Evelyn looked at her daughter, her eyes wide open, as she asked.

"Bibi, where did you get that ice cream from?"

"The Mister from yesterday bought it for me!"

"Oh my goodness, you met that nobleman agai-...I mean, more importantly."

During the time she was gone, she ended up in debt to this man, again? Evelyn sighed, feeling a headache coming on.

"Do you know where they are right now?"

"He was a little busy today, so he left already..."

She had wanted to eat ice cream with him. The child held a disappointed expression. And Evelyn was at her wit's end.

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