Chapter 57

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After leaving Bianca to Nanny and Ludmila, Evelyn and Islay headed to Etadro.

The road to Etadroro was very comfortable.

It was because Evelyn put in a lot of effort so that Evelyn didn't have a hard time.

Finished with fluffy cotton and soft cloth, the travel wagon was wide enough to roll around and sleep in it.


It was a huge carriage, just like a royal family.

Looking blankly at the carriage, Evelyn desperately suppressed her desire to smite Islay.

This is because Islay looked at her with wretched eyes like a puppy in the rain.

"Eve, do you understand me?"

"Well, that's...."

"I can't stand Eve travelling and suffering, either.

"Oh, yes...."

Evelyn swallowed a burst of sighs.

After a comfortable schedule of staying in the most luxurious hotels, eating delicious meals, getting up late and going to bed early, they arrived at Etadroro.

"More than that, I didn't expect to arrive so early."

"......we're here for work, you know?"

"I know, of course I know."

Islay grinned, wiping off his regretful expression.

Evelyn had a look of much to say, but was silent for now.

"Let's go."

The first person they visited was the owner of the building who was supposed to rent a store to them.

The landlord looked at them and couldn't hide his embarrassment.

"I really, really didn't want to do this. I even got a down payment, why would I do that?"

"So what's going on here?"

Evelyn asked the owner of the building.

The owner of the building, who had been agonizing for a long time, opened his mouth carefully.

"That's what it is, in fact......."

So what the landlord explained was roughly like this.

i hid the duke's daughter | completedOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora