Chapter 22⋘

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Natasha looked at them and tilt her head a bit.

"Let's watch something..."

The Brunette looked at her mother. The redhead already turned towards the TV and turned on F.R.I.E.N.D.S.


"Wanda?" asked a Brunette man while looking at the girl. His gaze turned towards the picture he got from Edward.

The girl turned around with wide eyes, frantically looking around still holding her "fresh" wound.  "I-I... do- don't.." 

"Hey it's okay, I'm Charlie. Sherrif and Bellas father, a friend from the Cullens. I'm going to help you okay?..." The man stripped off his Jacket holding it in front of him, offering it to the girl. With shaking hands, she grabbed it and pulled it over her shaking and cold Body.

Wanda looked scared, no she is scared.

She could only remember waking up a few miles more into the woods while desperately missing something or a certain someone.

It was a horrible feeling, and she really doesn't want to imagine what it felt like to the blonde Vampire.

"Come, it's okay. I'm going to bring you home, okay?"

The girl just stared a moment before nodding. Either way, she was lost.
And if something bad happened? She would let it happen.
Like, doesn't even have anything to protect her either way.


"Why would someone put a raw chicken on their head?"

Rosalie looked at the brunette girl. She shook her head. "I don't know, it's supposed to be funny."

"Okay, but I don't get the joke." Lauren looked confused, like a lost puppy almost.

It was Rosalie who looked now confused while looking at the Werewolf. She looked at the Pudding in her hand.

She was now a few days here, and every time they ate something she would also get a bit of the food, for the feeling, were Natasha's words.
Almost every time she would give Lauren her bowl.

Both are absolutely different but they get along.

Like the other one is already their sister. That is something Meredith Grey would say and Rosalie thought it was a good thought.

"You don't need to. Here, just eat the pudding. I'm sure Tasha is back anytime."

Lauren looked like a Sunshine. She would now wiggle her Tail if she was in Full wolf form.

She grabbed the bowl and shoveled the Pudding into her Mouth.

"I miss her..." Grumbled the girl while eating.
Rosalie sights while looking at her.
If she wasn't here she is sure she would be going insane, completely insane.

"We're going to find her okay? Just don't go insane... it's enough when one of us is going nuts."

"You're pretty calm to be insane." Mumbled the Wolf.

"Oh, you know... Calm on the outside nuts in the inside."

After a few minutes of both of them just watching TV the door burst open.

"They found her!" Screamed a nearly hysterically Natasha.

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