Chapter one

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Meeting people at the airport is always so damn weird isn't it? There's just so much going on. So much noise, and bodies to try and push and navigate yourself through. Airplanes taking off, sounds of large luggages being dragged loudly across tiled floors, and cellphones ringing in your ears at every goddamn corner of the building. It was all a very real nightmare. But one that she willingly signed up to experience when she bought her ticket almost a month ago.

It was stupid, but her heart was racing. The realisation that she was actually here only very recently settled in. Standing here and waiting, her excitement melded into an acute sense of terror now that she knew that she was out of the plane, and Caleb was on his way to pick her up.

Their phone call ended minutes prior. She wasn't receiving texts from him anymore, but she was still looking down at their messages.

Caleb: Holy shit!!!!

That one made her laugh to herself, genuinely, because she felt the exact same way about this whole thing. Like a bewildered excitement. And the fact that he was equally as excited to meet her also didn't hurt.

She was sure he wouldn't recognize her to start with because she rarely ever posted pictures of herself. The opposite could be said about him though.

After a long while of waiting and sitting around, she got another round of texts from him. This time telling her to come outside. She rolled her eyes, and started typing a response into her phone.

Dove: If you're the reason why I get kidnapped by some random Georgian bum, i'm actually going to kill myself.
Caleb: Dude, just come outside
Caleb: I'm right by the door LOL

She put her phone away, and went where he told her that she would find him. She dragged herself and her suitcase around for several minutes.

White. Brown hair. Brown eyes. Nothing. There were, unsurprisingly, a lot of brunette White guys living in Georgia. And she was turning up short trying to find her brunette White guy.

But at last, she finally found him. She recognized him before he recognized her. Just like she expected. She walked towards him, dragging her suitcase behind herself again. When she was close enough for him to notice her, his face lit up instantly and so did hers.

Caleb was a grinner. He was always smiling about something. Most people would call him all american or something like that. But he was just a really charming and cool guy who happened to smile lot. And it looked damn good on him when he did too.

As to be expected of very close friends who have never actually seen each other face to face, or in person before that very moment. Their first interactions were very awkward. They didn't know whether to hug or to wave at each other. There was a silent pause before one of them offered something verbal to the other.

"Hey!" He said, and looked her up and down. He was very handsome, like a movie star, but that was something that Dove was already very well aware of. But he definitely failed to mention just how tall he was in real life. She looked up at him. "Hi!" She said back.  "Wow, it's you." He said. "Yeah! Um yeah, it's me." She hated the way her voice sounded right now.

He just kept looking at her, and didn't say anything else. And the pressure was beginning to make her sick.  "I hope you're not disappointed by the way I look." She joked at her own expense.

"Why would I be?" He said laughing and then without asking, he went behind her and took her suitcase from her. "I don't mind," he said. "Okay," Then he quietly lead them both to his truck. While the two of them walked side by side.

One leading, and the other following closely besides them. Then she thought to herself,  he is right, why exactly would he be disappointed by the way I look?


Caleb was not disappointed at fucking all.

Dove was sitting in his passenger seat, while he was driving them to where he lived with his family. Dove had on a cute black top, and a pair of shorts that exposed her smooth brown thighs to him. She smelled like coconut, and vanilla. They had been driving for a while, and so the smell was everywhere in his truck now. He felt so fucking nervous. He didn't know how to start conversations with women. Especially the very pretty ones.

Occasionally, he would catch her staring at him, or their eyes would randomly meet, something like that, and he would smile because that was all he knew to do in situations like this. She would smile too, and that would be the end of that. And of him, internally at least, anyway. Why was it so hard for him to be charming? He wasn't trying to strike up a conversation with her at all, and it didn't make any sense at all because he basically knew everything about her. They sat in silence for quite some while.

It was way easier when they would text or call each other on the phone for hours at a time. But now there were so many different factors for him to take account of. Like her subtle expressions. The minor and big ones. Even her vocal and physical cues too. How would an oblivious idiot like him manage to keep track of all of that?

Not to mention that her appearance would be extremely distracting. And his attraction to it even more so. He had sort of a passing idea of what she looked like after all these years, but she never really showed it, so it wasn't something he thought about. Why the hell did she not flaunt it more? He knew he would've enjoyed it. Really fucking enjoyed it.

She opened the window to let the wind in. "I can't believe you live here. It's so beautiful." She said looking outside at the passing green pastures, and the clear blue sky above them. It was funny, she looked a lot like the outside to him in a way. Clear, warm, airy, sunny, and just so beautiful. What the fuck are you thinking, dude? He thought.

"You'll get used to it," He responded. "I hope I never, ever do." she said to him. Her eyes remained on him, but they didn't talk much after that. He was a simple man though, and his attention mostly stayed transfixed on the road, her thighs and practically everything else about her.

Once they arrived, he was worried about how his family would react. They were okay about most things, but tended to be a bit too much even for him. They would probably buzz around her like a bunch of flies, and embarrass him by asking her weird questions. That worried him. They already knew she was coming, they just didn't know that she was, you know, a she.

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