Chapter nine

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In the days that followed their confessions, Caleb and Dove existed in a kind of suspended reality on the farm—a summer interlude untouched by the weight of the real world. Their everyday routine dripped with an almost unreal sweetness, laughter lingering like the echo of a secret shared inside his childhood home.

They did everything together. They would wake up on the same bed, do the same chores together, go out to eat at his favorite restaurants, and sometimes sneak away to hidden corners, touching each other in places where nobody could find them.

Every moment was a thrill, and an electrifying rush that breathed life into his existence. It was so exciting for him, so thrilling. Her presence made his life feel like something better than average, and it was all because of her. Dove made him feel so human.

The message popped up on Caleb's screen last night—it had been very short and concise. In the group-chat he shared with few of his friends, and friends of friends. It had existed throughout his freshman to senior years. He was never that active in it, yet stayed because it gave him a way to keep in touch and meet up with friends whenever he felt lonely and the need would arise.

Alexx: Reminder for the Party
at my place tmrrw night.

DjBj: we remember, bro😂

zavier: can I bring my girl?

Alexx: You can bring anyone

Caleb had read the thread of messages, liked a few, but hadn't responded. The words were a simple formality, a suggestion that he attend a gathering he had seen them talking about for several weeks. And by unspoken agreement, he already knew Dove would also be a part of. She was naked expect for a pair of boxer shorts borrowed from Caleb, sitting next to him on his bed, her fingers interlaced with his as he typed out his reply.

Caleb:  I'll bring mine too


Jenna: ???

Abigirl: When??Did you get a

Jenna: never lmao

zavier:  his lying ass


He grinned at his screen. Then threw away his phone and brought his attention to her. He kissed her neck, she moaned. And sucked her across her chest as she giggled from the ticklish sensation.


At Alex's, Caleb led Dove into the party, the atmosphere buzzing with laughter and music. Sweet Thang by Dreamgirl played in the background as he spotted his friends gathered in a circle, engrossed in a conversation. As they approached, Caleb's heart raced painfully fast. It drummed in his ears. His throat was dry, and so was his mouth.

He wanted to introduce Dove to his world, and his friends, though he couldn't deny that he also wanted to show her off to them a little bit. His friend, Jenna, saw him first.

"AHH!! You're finally here!" She exclaimed, raising her arms in the air. "Caleb is here," the brunette announced to the group. They all turned towards them, their smiles tinged with the effects of alcohol, offering polite greetings. "We haven't seen you in so long," Jenna pouted, sinking back into the crowded couch. "Sorry, I've been... well, busy," he replied, his lips forming a tight line. Hovering behind him, Dove glanced around anxiously, and her gaze locked onto Jenna. Dove shrank slightly, struggling to maintain eye contact with the sharp-eyed Caucasian girl. In a hushed tone, she whispered, "Hi," and Dove responded in kind, offering a slight smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2023 ⏰

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