Chapter seven

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"Do you usually fuck your other friends?" She asked.
Before he said anything more, "Or did you know it would be easy for you to fuck me instead of actually finding and fucking a girl you genuinely like?"
"You've made everything so weird." She said.

He sighed, rubbing his face down, taking in the new information. "I like you, as a friend, obviously. And I don't fuck my other friends, obviously."

"I don't think what we did was weird. It was amazing, and we both liked it, obviously."
"And I honestly don't see the problem here at all."

There was a pause. One that normally, would've lead to the the natural conclusion to an argument like this one, but Caleb didn't want to leave the room. He didn't want her to find and pack her stuff, leave, and then maybe never speak to him ever again.

"I don't want to be friends with you anymore."
"That is seriously stupid, and I thought you were better than this." He said immediately and without thinking.
"I don't care what you think,"
Hearing that hurt, and he hated her for making him feel so bad over something so stupid.

"Did you expect to lose it to your husband? Like in some cheesy fucking christian fairytale?" He started to laugh at her.

She shrugged. He was genuinely falling apart on the inside. "Fuck you. What the fuck? You're my best friend, and I thought those stupid fucking rules didn't apply to us ok. I'm sorry."

"I thought I could have you, whenever I wanted. I thought you would be cool about stuff like this ok."

"I'm not your toy. Rules fucking apply to me. I have feelings too."
"I never said you didn't."'
"Yes you did."
"I don't want to be your friend, slash, pocket pussy, slash therapist slash whatever. All in one." She said.
Caleb was shaking his head. "I never, i don't see you like that at all."

They both went quiet again.

"I think you're just mad because you wanted to say no but couldn't so now you're punishing me for it."
She folded her arms. "I wanted you to respect me Caleb. Enough not to come onto me in the first place. We can't do the sex thing. I don't want that in my friendships, and I don't want a relationship with anyone right now for personal reasons. So we can't do this anymore."

He tried walking way, he really did. But his mouth just couldn't shut up. And if this was really over, he wouldn't let himself be the only one hurt by this.

" You don't respect yourself enough to say no to people. If you seriously didn't want the sex thing with me you could've just said no, but you didn't. You wanna blame me? Fine, I came onto you, but I didn't force you to do anything you didn't want to do." He said. She looked so completely baffled by him and the words spilling out of him. He was purposely using the things she'd told him against her. It was so fucking low.

"If you want to pack your things and leave then do that. Just please get the fuck out of my house as quick as possible." He said before leaving and slamming the door behind him.

Half an hour later she was rushing down, and out of the front door with her stuff. Caleb had been stuck standing outside waiting for out there ever since leaving the room because he had been too scared to go back inside. "I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry about that stuff I said." He tried apologizing to her again. She had ordered a taxi and wasn't really trying to give anybody else a show. "Caleb, stop. I'm tired, coming here was really fucking stupid of me."

"You were right, but this is really bad. For the two of us. I can't do it."
"No I wasn't. I'm an asshole. I don't mean the things I say when I'm angry." God, everyone could see them speaking to each other on the porch.

The intenseness, the tension, the chemistry, whatever it was between them, it had a terrible, awful sharp side to it too. It wasn't only that it made the air feel good when she was with him. It also turned it into toxic waste when she wasn't. It was suffocating. The were standing together and started kissing each other. It was very terrible, and it was very messy. People weren't supposed to be this way with each other. So terribly and perfectly intertwined.  She had him wrapped around her completely. He had her too like.

And what were they going to do about it?

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