Chapter 10

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authors note//

im just gonna stop putting the pov at the top because its always gonna be 3rd person, its confusing to flip between multiple perspectives lol

Travis flopped onto his bed on his back, smiling at his ceiling. He had just gotten back from hanging out with Sal. He didn't want to leave, but he knew Father would be upset if he got home any later.

He pulled the note with Sal's number out of his pocket and stared at it, trying to flatten out the crumpled paper. He sat up on the edge of his bed and stretched, before setting the paper on his nightstand. He hopped off his bed and got onto the floor on his stomach, and began flinging his arm around under his bed. After a moment of searching he pulled out a small, inconspicuous shoebox from a pair of sneakers bought for him a couple years ago. He opened the box and removed a layer of tissue paper, revealing his diary. He had to keep it hidden, otherwise Father would inevitably find it and go through it, seeing all his private ramblings.

He reached up and grabbed the paper off his nightstand, and tucked it in his journal. He then opened the top drawer of his nightstand and rummaged around before retrieving a tape dispenser, and taping the note to the inside cover of the diary. Satisfied,  he put the tape back and replaced the tissue paper to hide his book and shoved the box back under his bed.

"Travis! Dinner!" His father's booming voice echoed from downstairs. He winced, and made sure the box wasn't visible before heading downstairs.

The table was quiet, like always. The only sounds were that of silverware clicking against plates. Though this never lasted for long.

"So, Travis," His father said, catching Travis's attention and making him look up from his plate. "Where exactly were you today?"

"Um- With a boy from my math class, Father," He stuttered slightly, coming up with a story on the spot. "We had a project and she chose partners for us."

"Hm," Father sounded skeptical. "What exactly is the project then?"

"We have to..." Travis stopped for a moment, trying hard to come up with something believable. "We have to prove we know the material by making a presentation explaining the equations!"

Father scowled and looked back down at his plate, signaling that his interrogation was over. Travis had to hold in a sigh of relief. He finished his food quickly and placed his plate in the sink, gently as to not make much noise. Quietly, he made his way back up to his room.

He flopped onto his bed again, grabbing his phone from his pocket. He opened it and went to his contacts, and clicked 'Create New'. He titled it 'Sally Face' first, before deleting it and re-titling it 'Sal'. His thumb hovered above the blue heart emoji. He quickly pressed it and saved the contact, blushing. He clicked the message button and fiddled his thumbs over the keyboard, unsure what to type.

"Hey nerd." No, that's too mean.

"Hi" How is he even supposed to reply to that? Too short.

"Hey ba" Travis couldn't even finish typing out the message. His face burned with embarrassment as he hurriedly deleted it.

"Hey Sal" ...Yeah, that sounds good.

He sent the message, flipping onto his stomach and kicking his feet in the air. A typing bubble appeared after a couple seconds.

"hey, what's up Trav? :)"

Travis felt his heart skip, and he somehow blushed even harder. He tossed his phone in front of him and grabbed a pillow, resting his chin on it before he continued typing.

"Nothing much, just wanted to make sure the number worked"

He sat for a moment before continuing.

"Nothing much, just wanted to make sure the number worked. Also wanted to talk to you. :)"

He sent it. The bubble popped up, then disappeared,  then popped up again.

"aw, that's sweet. i had a lot of fun today. we should hang out again"

Travis threw his phone against his mattress and buried his face in the pillow, letting out a very uncharacteristic high-pitched squeal. After a moment he pushed himself back up, grabbing his phone.

"I agree. I don't know when I'll be free again, but I told Father we're doing a project together, so hopefully soon."

"does this weekend sound okay? we could go to the park again, or maybe somewhere else if you want. i'm usually free unless i'm hanging out with larry."

"I should be free on Saturday."

"awesome,  it's a date! :)"

Travis stared at the message for a moment, his eyes wide. A... date? Like, a date-date? Like a GAY DATE? His head just about exploded.

"Sounds good."

"great! i should head to bed. g'night Trav, stay safe"

"Goodnight, Sal. You too."

Travis felt so dumb, giggling like a schoolgirl over texting a boy he liked. He turned his phone off and put it on the side table on the charger, swinging his legs over the side of the bed and standing up. He changed into some old ragged t-shirt and shorts before turning out his bedside lamp and snuggling into bed.

He sighed and flipped onto his back, staring at the ceiling. Wow. I like a boy. And that boy likes me. And we're boys who like each other.


Word count: 907 words



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Travis bedroom design 😎

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Travis bedroom design 😎

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