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there were 3 days between each challenge and episode, so you and Duncan got to spend some time together without the disturbance of the cameras. it was never shown to the viewers, but when you weren't taking part in challenges you all got along quite well! or at least you did. There were a few in-team fights from which you would shy away. Luckily the other team was happy to take you in whenever there was trouble in your team. in truth when the camera wasn't rolling everyone was allowed to mingle, so you could spend time with whoever you wanted. most of the time you were with Duncan, but only because you felt safe around him. no one dared say anything bad to you when he was there. then again people were generally nice to you anyway, but it's good to have a backup.

"oh Y/N, Y/N! come hang out with us!" Lindsay said enthusiastically patting the log next to her, beth, and... Heather. you contemplated it for a moment considering that heather wasn't very nice and you hadn't spoken to her since she got Eva kicked off your team. 

"yea, come over here!" Beth added. you hesitantly walked over and sat next to Lindsay on the log. 

"so Y/N, how've you been?" Heather asked surprisingly kindly.

"o-oh, I've been ok. sorry you guys lost last challenge, how've you been holding up?" you ask.

"oh it's fine, we only lost Noah" heather laughed. "so, it's a shame you lost Eva, right!" you furrowed your brows as she continued to speak. "and to think, if you had just told them that I stole it, maybe she'd still be on the team!" she said sarcastically.

"y-you said you were gonna give it back.."

"yes, and you believed me." Heather snarled, looking at her nails.

"c'mon, Heather really mean! you didn't actually think she would tell the truth, did you?" Lindsy said, earning a smack from Heather. you hug your arms and furrow your brows.

"it would be a shame, if your team knew you let Eva get kicked off, you might even be next! so I tell you what: we won't tell your team if you help us out."

"help you out?? I can't do that!" you retort.

"well then, have fun watching me win through a screen," she said, about to walk away.

"no wait! alright, fine... what do you want me to do."

Heather explained that she wants you to tell her about any future strategies your team comes up with.

"no way! have them vote me off if you must, but I will not be taking my team down with me!" you say and you begin to storm off. Heather stomped her foot.

"I hope you'll enjoy watching me win through the screen!" she yells. you holt. you don't want to leave, not yet... these 2 weeks have been a new experience that brought feelings you never wanted to let go of.

"Alright! fine! I'll do it... but, I'll only tell you what I think necessary." you say finally turning back to her.

"every little helps!" she says sweetly before walking away.

the new episode wasn't to be recorded for another 2 days, so you had a little time to think of how you were gonna do this, or get out of it.

while you were on your way back to the cabin, you ran into Duncan. i guess with all of what just happened running through your head, you weren't looking where you were going.

"Hey, sunshine," he says.

"Oh, Duncan!" you jump.

"you alright? you seem off."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine!" you say flashing a fake smile.

"don't believe you, but I won't pry. why should I care anyway," he says aggressively.

"It's just unlike you to just bump into someone like that. You usually take extra precautions to avoid people."

"Sorry, I was... I was lost in thought," you say, looking down at your feet. "I'm gonna... I'm gonna go for a walk, I'll see you in a bit Duncan" you say, waving him off.

From this moment, Duncan began following you around. he could tell something was up. you barely spoke anyway, but now you're being downright antisocial!

the day of recording came faster this week, and Chris woke you all up at 6 am to tell you the challenge.

"Alright, campers! enough beauty sleep!" the loudspeaker spoke. "time to show us what you're made of!" you were all called to, what looked like, a poorly put-together stage. you sat in the crowd next to Duncan, who wasted no time wiggling his eyebrows at you.

"Welcome to our brand new, deluxe, state-of-the-art, outdoor amphitheater!" Chris explained. you were supposed to perform in a talent contest! well, not you specifically, but both teams must choose three people to go against the other team. Team with the highest votes as a whole wins.

The team decided:

DJ - with a ribbon dance

Geoff - skateboarding tricks

Courtney - beautiful violin solo

you weren't really sure how you were supposed to help Heather on thus one, but there wasn't a doubt in your mind she was gonna milk every bit of info you had.

"you ready to talk about what's wrong, sunshine?" Duncan awoke you from your thoughts.

"hmm? no, nothing wrong!" you flash another fake smile.

"mm hm. ok."

"Y/N! wanna see my performance?" Heather called. ugh. you knew this was coming up. Your face noticeably dropped for a brief moment.

"yeah, sure! um, I'll talk to you in a bit Duncan." He said nothing as you walked away.

"so, spill. Who's performing and what are their acts." Heather said, sternly. you stayed silent for a moment. "Y/N, we don't want them to know about how you betrayed Eva, do you?" you groan in response.

"ok, fine! Dj's doing a ribbon dance, Courtney's playing her violin and Geoff is doing some tricks on his skateboard. can I go now?"

"not yet, I want to know who you think is gonna win the most points in your team."

"hm... probably DJ? he's a good dancer and his Ribbon dance he performed in the audition was amazing."

"thank you, Y/N. you have been of most help," she said shooing you away. you hold your arms close and walk to the confession booth... outhouse.

"What am I supposed to do?? I don't want to sabotage my own team, but I don't want to go home either! I wish I never fell asleep that day, maybe I would've been able to tell Eva that Heather stole it..." 

You bring your hands to your face.

"I'm being selfish... bringing my whole team down because I'm too scared to face my own mistakes..."

The punk at camp (Duncan x shy reader) TDIWhere stories live. Discover now