the sucky outdoors

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You sneakily enter your cabin at 1:30 am to see ALL of the campers on your team waiting inside. it was like some intervention.

"where were you two?" Courtney asked. Duncan walked in behind you.

"nowhere!" you blurt out.

"you missed the show! I hope it was worth it" Dj said.

"id say it was," Duncan said, high-fiving DJ

"We have sooooo much gossip! Y/N, sit with us so we can tell you about it!" Katie said sat on your bed.

"What? are we gonna let them get away with this? they SKIPPED the challenge!" Courtney said.

"They aren't the only ones," Saidie said pointing at Tyler.

"yes, but Tyler came back at 10," Courtney added.

"What are you, their mum?" Duncan said, stepping forward. those two were always bickering. it would be a lie if you said it didn't get on your nerves a bit, but you're not one to voice your feelings.

While Duncan fought your battle, Sadie and Katie took your hands and sat you down on the bed.

"ok so, first: while Bridget was doing her 20-minute hand stand thingy, she knocked a light off and it CRUSHED Courtney's violin! while we were all distracted by that, Heather went into the girls' cabin and stole Gwen's diary!" Sadie started.

"that's so mean!" you say. "Heather really needs to learn boundaries."

"yea I know right! Instead of doing her ballet thing, she read her diary! and since Courtney's violin was broken, Bridget had to fill in for her with her handstand trick! and she threw up over everyone, which made everyone else throw up!"

"oh no! Bridget are you feeling better now?" you say to Bridget.

"yeah, I'm fine. I just shouldn't have eaten all those chips before my go..."

"then DJ tripped over his ribbon, he kind of pulled it off though."

"hell yeah, I did girl!" he said fist bumping you.

"then Geoff broke his skateboard! and we had no one with talent! would have been really handy if we had Y/N here to take his place, but no! they were too busy hooking up with juvenile here!" Courtney said, pushing her finger into Duncan's chest. he let out an almost growl before Geoff interrupted, potentially stopping a war.

"but it's fine! We had Harold perform a killer beatbox skit and won us the challenge!"

everyone let out a celebratory 'woo'.

you decided to finally go to sleep once everyone who was supposed to left the cabin.


"Today's challenge will test your outdoor survival skills." Chris started. "I'm not gonna lie, some of you might not come back alive!" you all gasped. "just joking! all you have to do is spend one night in the woods" he laughed. He then gave each team a map and compass.

"oh! and look out for bears, lost a few interns in pre-production. The first team back for breakfast wins invincibility!" Chris ends, before honking a horn and sending you all on your way.

Courtney stole the map and compass off Duncan and began leading the way. you didn't mind, Courtney does have actual CIT experience.

you walked behind everyone, as usual, and got lost in thought. you were interrupted by Duncan slowing down and walking beside you. you look up at him, expecting him to say something.

"Duncan?" you start.

"what, can't I walk with you?" he smirked.

"no, you can! I was just expecting you to want to talk or something."

The punk at camp (Duncan x shy reader) TDIWhere stories live. Discover now