not quite famous

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AN: all characters in the show are depicted as 16! you get no more than an implied makeout sesh, you whores! 🤪🤪

[[this has since changed, and by popular demand, smut will be faetured later in the book. Have at it, horny buggers ToT]]

You step out of the booth and take a breath. As you were about to walk back to the group, you notice Duncan leaning against the outhouse, arms crossed.

"Duncan!" you jump.

"What was that about?" he asked stepping forward off the cabin.

"Nothing! nothing. just getting some stuff off my chest," you reply, attempting to walk away to no avail. he grabbed you by the shoulder and pinned you to the cabin wall.

"how about instead of talking to that camera, you talk to a living person? more specifically: me" he insisted.

"I'm- I'm fine, really! I feel better now" you reassure.

"hey have you seen where Y/N and Duncan have gone? they need to be here to be the hypothetical judges! why does no one listen to me?! I have actual CIT experience!" It's pretty obvious who that was, Courtney. Duncan can tell it's here too, so without thinking, he pulls you into the outhouse.

"talk," he said sternly, sitting you down and standing in front of you. You look up at him in silence. You didn't want him to know that Heather was blackmailing you because, honestly, it was embarrassing. But maybe if you told him about Eva, she'd have less to blackmail with.

"Y/N, talk to me," he repeated.

"i- I think it's my fault that Eva got kicked off..." you say. "she dropped her MP3 player and I saw Heather pick it up... she said she was going to give it back and I stupidly believed her!"

"Y/N, it's not your fault that Heather's a lying snake," Duncan said crouching to your height.

"I was asleep when Eva was having her rampage so I couldn't even calm her down! and now she's gone" you look down avoiding eye contact. he cups your cheeks and brings your face back up.

"that's not your fault, Y/N. I mean was Eva ever gonna get far anyway?"

"I don't know... but it's my fault she was kicked so early"

"no, it's not. frankly, my vote was already for her anyway." you felt tears threatening to fall. Should you tell him the whole thing? you wanted to, but what if it made things worse? what if he caused a scene with Heather and HE got voted off... No, you should tell him because what if things got better, what if he cause a scene and SHE got voted off!?

"Heather... she said if I don't... tell her about what our team was planning, she'd tell everyone that I'm a traitor and get me voted off..." you say. he was silent for a moment.

"I'm sorry, Duncan... I just- I don't want to leave! I never wanted to sabotage our team!"

"snake..." he muttered. You gasp.


"that stupid snake! I'll kill her!" for a moment you thought he was talking about you.

"no! Duncan don't! I just... I don't want to cause any problems!"

"you're not causing any, she is." he was about to turn and leave the outhouse, but you slammed the door shut, reaching around him.

"Don't, please!"

"Well, what are you gonna do? because if you don't fix this, I will; and you know I'll fix it in a less than moral way."

"i... I don't know..." he sighed in response and turned back to you.

"Alright, we'll go talk to the rest of the gang, explain the situation and take it from there. You can tell Heather the deals off." Duncan suggests. you nod and prepare to talk to the gang. 

On the way there, you run into Courtney.

"There you two are! have you forgotten about the contest we need to win?!" she said, unimpressed.

"We need to talk to the group. can you gather everyone?" Duncan asked. Courtney was taken a bit aback by Duncan's sudden change in demeanor. she agreed and you and Duncan stood in front of 9 other teenagers. Terrifying.

"Y/N feels like they need to tell you something. Although I've warned them they don't need to worry, it's for their peace of mind so please hear them out." Duncan said, giving you the stage.

"i... um... I knew Heather had Eva's MP3... She picked it up during the awake-athon and she told me she'd give it back." you begin crying a little.

"I don't know why I believed her, and then I wasn't there when she had a rampage. I just feel so terrible! I'm sorry that I let Heather manipulate us all, I didn't mean for any of it to happen!" you begin wiping away tears.

"What? Y/N that's fine! it's not your fault, besides, weren't you asleep?" DJ started.

"ya, babe! if Eva didn't go out then, she would've gone out later!" Geoff chimed in. Katie and Saidie both came over and hugged you, lifting a leg up in the process.

"awww, Bestie! You're literally one of the sweetest people here! it's not you're fault!" Saidie squealed. or was it Katie? it was hard to tell being smothered in hugs.

"Yea! we, like, love you!" the other one said. After more consoling from the rest of the group, you decided to pay Heather another visit. she was practicing her ballet routine for the contest as you approached.


"you here to tell me more intel?" she asked, slyly side-eying you.

"no... I'm here to tell you: the deal's off."

"what? you can't do that!"

"I can. I'm not afraid of my teammates, my friends. I'm not afraid of you." you say before beginning to walk off.

"fine! enjoy going home!" you ignore her and walk back to Duncan, who's waiting for you a little away. 

"good job. Don't let that little witch win," he says taking your hand. you smile and grip his hand tighter.

you were about to walk over to the stage, where everyone was preparing but were stopped by Duncan.

"do I not get a thankyou? why don't we ditch this dumb contest and go back to the outhouse?" he smirked. you smiled and changed directions.

back at the stage, the contest had already started. no one really noticed that you two were gone, except Chris.

"where's Y/N and Duncan I wonder?" he said into the camera. cut to a clip of you two in the outhouse. you giggle as Duncan turns off the camera.

The punk at camp (Duncan x shy reader) TDIWhere stories live. Discover now