ReMake Series 2.

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Hello, Namaste, Sastriya kaal, Aadab, welcome back to your favourite show "Tea with Tia".

I am Tia Kapoor the host with you and today we have a very special guest with us. This is saying that pairs are made in heaven and this couple has proved that they are made for each other. So presenting before the hottest guy of the industry with his gorgeous wife. Shivaay Singh Oberoi and Anika Singh Oberoi.

The camera shifted towards the couple sitting on the right side of the host who was smiling listening to the introduction given by the host. Shivaay was wearing a blue three-piece suit and Anika coordinated with him in a royal blue gown.

T:(smiled) Welcome, I am so happy to have you both here.

A/S: Thank you, T

A: And also thank you for the lovely introduction

S: Yeah, thank you for having us here
All chuckled

T: Well, so let me ask you both that how does it feels you know being with each other for three years with all ups and down and managing it so well?

Shivaay and Anika smiled looking at each other when he said

S:(giggled) First of all it doesn't seem like it's three years
Both laughed

S: But umm, yeah it has been always new to us when we do certain things like Ummm..

Anika and Tia looked at each other creating double meanings in their mind and started laughing.

A:(laughed) Why would you say that?

S:(laughing) Oh my God, kids don't listen to the interview
The trio laughed again, they composed themselves when he continued

S: Yeah, so basically what I was trying to say, certain things, like going for dinner, having our vacation, living with my parents or her, hanging out with friends. So it's not always that we just into each other like we...we give that involvement in our life

A: Yeah

S: And this is...I think

A: The foundation

S: Yeah the foundation of our relationship is that we cop with everyone and everything.

A: It's the balance which we form with our relationship and precisely we give that me time to ourselves so works.

T: Okay cool, so Anika you belong to a middle-class family and know...marrying the most handsome man in the world

Anika laughed while Shivaay giggled

T:(smiled) So it how you like adjusted?

S: Oh no, she is still adjusting
All again laughed

A: This is like a story coming know actually umm... I never had that concept of Prince coming on a know, getting married to this never came to mind and when it came, that became my reality. As you said that adjusting it was tough you know.....

T: Coz you never had an encounter like this

A:(by doing all actions) Yeah...never I mean it sucks when you are on a date with your husband and you come out of a restaurant and get clicked

Tia laughing by the way she said and Shivaay was just smiling.

A: Guys I am having quality time with my husband so please stop your bullshit cameras.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2022 ⏰

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