21. Apologies (Edited)

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I woke up in dad's room and suddenly tears came in my eyes. I seriously have to do something about my crying. I'm acting so emotional these days.

I remember how dad comforted me. Made me fell safe in his embrace. I never really got fatherly love but I'm getting it now. I'm alone in the room. I still pray to God that I'm making a right decision trusting them. I turned to look at the clock and my eyes bulge out.


Oh My

It's the first time i slept for this long.

I immediately stood up but walked slowly to my room to freshen up. Once I was all cleaned, I took my phone which to be honest I never really used. I have very less knowledge on how to use phone. So i picked my phone and went downstairs for breakfast, scratch that.
I went for brunch.

I slowly creeped down the stairs. I nervously went to kitchen hoping to see no one and then I can easily sneak in, eat a little and i can say dad I woke early and had my breakfast because I know they have their breakfast at 8.

I slowly like a cat went towards kitchen and was happy to see no one there. I smiled and went to make something. I was thinking what to make and then I decided I should make chocolate pancakes.


They have chocolate syrups and chocolates to top with it.

I started gathering ingredients which I know where they are. Thanks to Ethan.

"Make that two. " A voice I knew very well demanded from my back since my back was facing the entrance of the kitchen.

I jumped a little and pressed my hand on heart and turned around to face him.

"You scared me " I said very quietly not wanting to anger him.

And I see no one who can save me from Dustin's anger.

His eyes filled with amusement.

I just hummed at his demand and turned around to continue my work.

He shuffled and from the corner of my eyes I see him taking a seat on the kitchen stool. I shuffled around making the batter and then made the pancakes effortlessly.

I made two plates and served him one. Not wanting for an awkward silence I decided to go to my room and eat. I took one step away and turned around.

But his voice stopped me.

"Where are you going? " He asked. More like demanded. I think his voice is like this. It always seem to me as demanding.

I turned to face him and answered without making eye contact.
"My room"

"Stay" He said and sighed. I looked at him for five good seconds then decided to give in.

I sat atleast two stools between us. His head was down and I can tell he was battling internally and thinking something very seriously.

I decided to stay quiet and quickly finish my brunch and go in my room.

The amount of food was double on his plate then mine or I could say I was eating half the average amount. Dad and Ethan told me to start eating a little more everyday and I'm glad they're taking it slowly.

"You're a good cook. Better then Ethan. " He said out of the blue.

For one sec I was not able to process.

"O-oh thank you, I'm gla-glad you liked it. " I said shyly and shocked.

He looked at me and our eyes met but I quickly diverted them.

He sighed again.

I put another bite in my mouth.

"Do you wanna learn piano? " He said.

I suddenly choked, shocked by his words.

He immediately went to kitchen and brought water for me for which I'm very grateful.

"Jeez Liz eat slowly" He said while to his seat and continued eating once he saw I was okay.

My brain was still stuck on the question he asked.

"So what do you think? " He asked again.

He turned to me and our eyes met but this time I didn't diverted my eyes.

"Umm..yeah. It was one of my dreams to play piano." I said.

"After eating I'll teach you. " He declared and went back to eating.

Again my brain didn't process his words quickly.

My brain is working very slow today. Must be because I woke up late or maybe never in my life I thought that 'THE DUSTIN' and I would be having this kind of conversation.

"YOU?" I suddenly asked or practically shouted.

He turned to me again with one eye brow raised.

"Why? Didn't twins tell you that I'm pretty good at playing? " He asked with amusement in his eyes.

"No i mean yes but I'm asking are you okay teaching me?" I asked.

"Yes this is my decision and no further discussion on this quickly finish your brunch. See mine is finish. " He said.

I wasn't able to hide the smile that formed on my lips. I quickly turned and ate my brunch and I swear I saw a smile on Dustin's face.

After eating we went on the first floor. At the end of the hallway was a door. He opened it and I didn't expect that

A huge piano was sitting in the room.

I practically ran to piano with my still in process of healing ankle.

"Yah don't run" Dustin said while coming to me.

I was admiring the piano and i know my eyes we're twinkling.

"Let's start" I said impatiently with a big smile on my face and turned to look at him. And suddenly I realised I was with Dustin and my smiled faltered a little.

"Come sit" He said and i can hear sadness in his voice.

I sat with him on the bench in front of piano.

Now suddenly I was scared.

What if I make a mistake and he gets angry?
What if he gets disappointed?
What if he regrets?

What ifs were continuously coming in my mind.

"I'm sorry" Dustin said.

I looked at him with my mouth open from shock.

"I'm sorry for everything Liz. Please forgive me. I was ashamed of myself. I don't know what took over me at that time. Maybe I was not able to believe that you were back. I-I don't know how to even look in your eyes without regret and shame. I was so angry at myself. I didn't come to you earlier because I couldn't bring myself in front of you. I-I'm really sorry."
His voice cracked a little in end.

"I forgive you and don't worry I was never angry at you. It's really fine... Umm- " I didn't know how to address him.

"Please call me Dustin. And right now also I feel like a total asshole. I don't know how I was not able to understand you earlier. " He said.

"Well Dustin, you can compensate by teaching me piano" I said playfully and I don't know how this confidence came in me.

"Sure princess" He said playfully with amusement in eyes.

Then for God knows how long he was teaching me piano until we heard dad calling us.

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