43. A Day SpentWell (Edited)

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I looked around in awe. We really were going to do horse riding. Ivan actually remembered when I once said that I wanted to learn horse riding. I'm so happy.

He looked at me and signaled me towards the stable where so many horses were there. Damn.

I looked all the horses and one horse caught my eyes. It was a white color exotic looking horse.

Ivan came up behind me and said,"Good choice. His name is Phillipe."

"Can I touch him?" I asked still looking at the horse.

"Of course liz." He replied.

I touched Phillipe and he nicker. I immediately withdrew my hands thinking he didn't like me.

Ivan laughed at my attempt. "Don't worry. Its his way of showing happiness."

"Ohh I thought I somehow offended him" I said while still attempting to touch him and this time he again nicker but I didn't withdrew me hands and continued petting him.

"Since I see you've chosen your ride, lemme teach you the basic horse riding techniques."

He taught me horse riding for about 1 hour and what can I say, I'm a quick learner.

Then I took a slow round around the field without Ivan's help.

After seeing that I was riding carefully and good enough, Ivan rode his own horse side by side mine. His horse was a beautiful black color. He was very beautiful too.

For about 2 more hours we had so much fun laughing and riding the horses.

After this Ivan took me to a restaurant where we did our lunch. Then we went to and ice cream truck and I looked at him puzzled on why he didn't ordered it in the restaurant only to which he replied," No one can beat the flavor of these local trucks and we had so many memories back in old school days of eating ice cream truck."

I looked at him with tears in eyes. I hugged him again.

"I really missed you ." I told him.

After eating ice cream we went to a game center. we played so many games.

By the time we reached back to hotel, I was tired as hell but it was worth it. Smile never left my face when I was with him. Having a best friend like him is truly a blessing.

"How was your day Liz?" ryan asked

"It was amazing. I enjoyed a lot. First we went to horse riding, then we had lunch then ice cream and then we went to game center we played...." I kept ranting with a huge smile on my face.


I was elated seeing Elisa here yesterday. I was extremely shocked knowing that Valentinos are her real parents. I know how much I tried to locate liz but it was like she vanished somewhere. Valentinos must had hid her whereabouts because of their enemies.

Today was so much fun with her. Even I was tired with all those mafia work and liz made me feel alive again.

I love her alot but she sees me only as her best friend. I want to be more than friends with her. But she likes Aaron.

I sighed.

I signaled Ryan that I want to talk to him.

"I remember how closed off and sad she used to be in her house before. She had no life in her. I also presume that you know about her abuse?"

"Yes and Elisa is the one who killed Samuel" Ryan stated.

"What?!" I exclaimed. Now that was a news.

Ryan just nodded in return with a bit smile on his usual cold face while looking at Elisa who is busy telling everything to her other brothers in detail on the other side of the table.

"I can see how much you adore her in your eyes. I don't need to request you to always keep her happy and safe. I thought I lost liz when I was not able to find her. I have seen her getting abused and broken but I couldn't help her which I'll always regret. I can now actually see life in her. Her happiness and I'll be forever grateful to you all for handling her and not giving up on her." I said looking at liz again and then to Ryan.

he nodded," Don't worry we'll keep her safe and happy. Even she has become an important part of our lives, and thankyou to you too for being a mental support to her in all those times when she was alone."

Eliza's Pov

It was time to say goodbye to Ivan.

I got to know that Ivan has gifted Phillipe to me. Like can you believe I got a horse as a gift. Even I never imagined.

I was sad that I was leaving but we promised to be in touch and then we departed.

I mostly slept during the travel.

it was a long trip and when we reached home dad and Ethan were already there waiting for us.

I ran and hugged them. after which we had our dinner together and happily went to my room to sleep.

Tomorrow was sunday so I've a day off tomorrow before school in which I need to complete all my assignments and study before my upcoming exams.

and with these thoughts I drifted off.

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