29. Leave Me (Edited)

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Third person pov

"Yo-You people are i-in mafia? " Elisa asked suddenly.

She only questioned one thing which first came to her mind.

She didn't ask why did he kill him?
Or how the people who dropped down suddenly died?

She now had one thing in mind, it was getting confirmed that he was a criminal. He was dangerous.
Hell. Her whole family was dangerous.

"Are you okay? " Ryan asked ignoring her lingering question and tried to step towards me.

"St-Stay there" She mumbled scared and took several steps back.

He immediately froze.

"First ans-answer my question" She spoke out stuttering.

"Lis, dear, I promise I'll answer all your questions but first let's go home. Dad is waiting for you. He's very worried. " He spoke.

Go home with him.
No I can't.
What if they start acting different since now I know their secret.
What if they torture me.
They are dangerous.

All these thoughts were swarming her head.

She immediately shook her head and took more steps back increasing distance between her and Ryan. Her back was towards the entrance.

"I won't go with you. No. No. No" She mumbled while taking steps back nearing the entrance. She was already panicking. She had to get away was all she could thought.

Ryan on the other hand didn't expect this reaction from her. Even this whole situation was new for him too. He didn't know what to do.
He thought that he would take her back home and then everybody will explain her.

Ryan was in his thoughts when she took the opportunity and turned and started running but she took only few steps when she suddenly stumbled into something and was force to take two or more steps back.

Looking up to know in what she stumbled, her face became pale. Color drained her face and now was terrified. She was trapped. That's why Ryan didn't bother running after her to stop her.

In front of her were standing Ethan, Dustin and Noah.

She had stumbled into Ethan's chest.

Normally she would have jumped into his chest but she's no fool. She knows they are dangerous.

"Are you okay baby? " Ethan asked worriedly and attempted to touch her cheek.

She flinched and move back from him. Hurt flashed in his face. Now that she notice, she saw a glimpse of guns tucked under his coat.

"Sta-Stay away" She choked out.

'I didn't know what I'll do now. I first thought that maybe I'll escape Ryan but now with all them here, it's impossible. ' she thought.

Ethan was confused and had expected that she'll come running to his arms after what has happened. But he hadn't anticipated this reaction. He looked to Ryan who was clenching his fists and was looking in one direction. He lifted his eyes to meet Ethan's eyes and nodded and said, "she knows."

These words were enough for all the brothers to gasp. They hadn't thought that this situation could take this turn.

"We can explain Lis" Noah said and attempted to go near her but she immediately shook her head and took steps back.

She was crying, she was hurt. Her head was pounding so much that it made her feel dizzy and she swayed a little. Immediately Dustin was by her side supporting her but she immediately thrashed attempting to get free.

"No. No leave me" She cried.

"You all are criminals, murderers. You're dangerous. Get away from me" Even she didn't know what she was saying at that point.

She was exhausted. First from the kidnapping, where she was longing for her family, her brothers and father to protect her and just wanted to go home and now she wants to get away from them. Don't want to go with them. But she didn't know where she'll go once she escapes them. It's not like she has a place in this country.

"Calm down. Come to your senses" Dustin shook her by her arms but she was crying hysterically and was going to have a panic attack soon.

When she was still crying, Dustin did what he thought was right at that time. He brought his hand to the side of her neck to a point where he struck hard and immediately heard Ethan's voice protesting and she lose her consciousness and slumped in dustin's arms.

"Are you mad? You know it'll hurt when she'll wake up? " Ethan sneered already wanting to protect his sister from any pain.

"Do you had any better idea? She was almost having a panic attack and she was not ready to calm and come home. Dad is worried sick" Dustin spoke harshly.

Nobody said anything but all took her to their cars. Ryan was unusually silent. He was on his own train of thoughts. All of them noticed but nobody spoke knowing the already lingered tension in the air.

They soon reached home. Lis was cradled in Ethan's chest and he took her bridal style and took her inside the mansion where dad was pacing back and forth in tension.

As soon as his eyes landed on the Lis, he physically looked relieved. They took her to her room and then covered her with blanket. Dad kissed her forehead and had tears in his eyes.

"What happened to her? " Dad asked.

"I knocked her unconscious" Dustin spoke not taking his eyes off Lis.

"WHAT? WHY? " Dad looked at him like he had grown two heads.

Before Dustin could answer, Ryan spoke, "She knows. She fucking has an idea that we're mafia" He spoke frustrated.
Dad was shocked and immediately looked at Lis who was looking peaceful right now but with tears stained cheeks. God knows what will happen when she'll wake up.

"It was a trap. They wanted to expose us in front of Lis. Their men had guns but it had no bullets. So even if fought alone, I would have taken down them alone. It was all a plan to make Lis see that we're murderers."

All of their faces were furious. Someone had outsmarted them and was trying to separate them from Lis.
Make Lis hate us.

"The fear that I saw in her eyes had my heart clench. It was the fear she showed when talking about that bastart Mike and his asshole son. She thought that we will abuse her, torture her. I can fucking give up on my life for her." Ryan continued.

"The way she backed up when I thought she'll jump on me to hug me, had my heart into pieces. She was scared of me. Me."  Ethan said with tears in my eyes.

Their men which was placed for Lis's security were killed. They were very smart and all of that was clearly planned since there was not even a scratch on Lis.

But they won't let Lis again get separated from them. They all started loving her since they saw her. They will hopefully make her understand and hopefully she'll understand.

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