Chapter 12 (Warning: Shanghai Chapters!)

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It had been weeks since Chat's coffee run, and in those few weeks Y/n hadn't seen him in person at all. Summer break had found its way to her school and she was incredibly saddened by the amount of time that had passed. She'd stuck with her friends, she hadn't talked to Felix after Marinette woke up. She was decked with school work and the responsibilities of the Miraculous, she wondered how Ladybug or Cat Noir managed to even get up in the morning. Of course, Tikki found her way back to Ladybug within a week and Paris' favorite superhero was in the streets again defeating Hawk Moth and saving little kids.

Y/n had to admit, she missed the floating little ball of red. Tikki was such a sweet little Kwami, not that Y/n would know. The ladybug Kwami was the only tiny mythical creature she had met. But, even so she had been incredibly kind to Y/n, offering advice and helping out with daily tasks. Y/n was up in her little library under her loft bed while Marinette was running around in her room and screaming about going somwhere.

"Y/n! Get packed, we are so going to Shanghai together!" She said excitedly, dancing around.

Y/n slammed her book shut, she hadn't been to back in Shanghai since she was young!

"No freaking way, Mama and Papa said we could go by ourselves?!" The girl shouted, interlocking her fingers with Marinette's.

The bluenette nodded, Y/n giggled like a little girl in love. She grabbed her suitcase from the closet and began shoving in books, clothes and other things like her phone charger and headphones. She rushed down the stairs alongside Marinette, her wallet clutched tightly in her grasp.


Luka and Axis had saw her and Marinette off at the airport, the girl's parents both working the bakery. The two hopped on their flight in joy. The pair excited for two completely different reasons.


Y/n was exstatic to be back in China, she bounced around in her seat when their Uncle had came to pick them up. The tall buildings glimmered in the sunlight, fueling her excitement. The sound of Chinese chatter and the smells of different street vendors and restuarants were so nostalgic. Hearing the voices of others speaking Mandarin made her heart pound with familiarity. She had only heard herself and her mother speak the language, it had truly been so long.

"Y/n?" Marinette called from the backseat, "Are you alright? You are kinda shaking."

(all chinese phrases are done by google translate.)

"我太激动了! (I'm so excited!)" She said as she danced in the front of the car.

"She's just very excited Marinette, it's been a long time since she's been in China. She was born right here, in Shanghai." Wang says, Marinette scratched her head.

"That's right, I forgot. You guys never told me the reason we moved to France anyways, do you think you could tell me while we are on this trip, Uncle Wang?" The bluenette questioned, completely oblivious.

"Ah, I think that's something you should ask your sister for personally. One on one, preferably without me in the room. It is a very private matter, My dear."

"Oh alright, I understand. Do you think I could go on a small walk around the city while you cook up dinner? So I find us an ingredient to use?" Marinette changed the subject, Y/n not paying attention at all as she muttered in Chinese.

"That's not an issue at all, Y/n can go with you to make sure you don't get lost. I'm sure she'd love to show you the city, is that alright with you?"

"Nope! Not a problem at all," She giggled as the car came to a stop, "Come on Y/n! Hurry up, let's go unpack so we can see Adrie- I mean find an ingredient and see the sights."

Y/n to happy to form proper sentences in either language, she meshed together both English and Mandarin, "让我们 Go Marinette! 赶快!赶快! (Let us go Marinette! Hurry up! Hurry Up!)"

"I don't understand a word you just said but it sounded like a cheer for victory, so lets get to it!" The girl said rushing to grab as much luggage as she possibly could.

Wang shook his head with a laugh, "Young ones these days..."

Vanity (Felix Graham De Vanily x Marinette's Older Sister! Reader) | ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now