16 | babymama

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"ONE?" I held up one finger in front of my 6-month baby Asami watching as she smiled nothing but gums and clapped hold on my one finger.

"Can you say one baby? Say one for mommy please." I pleaded as she watched my mouth than hand as if she was trying to understand what I was saying.

"No, you don't wanna do it?" I shook my head before sighing reaching over to pick her up at the sound of knocking at the front door, feeling her play in my hair before wrapping her arms around my neck.

I adjusted her in my arms before unlocking the front door before opening it.

"Da" Asami squealed and reached over for DayVon watching him smile before he brought his baby in his arms, he kissed her cheek before walking into the house closing the door behind him.

Before he closed the door I noticed his car was parked in the driveway meaning he planned on staying for a while.

I let him walk away with our daughter as I stayed to lock the door and grab asami food on the counter before walking into the living room where they were currently having a 'conversation'.

"She be bringing otha niggas here?" Von questioned her, I watched as she chewed on her finger.

To answer his question, No.

When I got pregnant with Asami I and von weren't together, we were broken up at the time and weeks later I found out I was pregnant. The first one to know was my best friend Yara, she decided that she thought I should tell him because at the end of the day it was his baby.

Her having a baby girl herself she knew what was needed to be done and what didn't need to be done and one thing she said needed to be done was to tell von he had a baby coming so I told him.

When I told him he did what any other nigga would, he didn't deny the fact he knew she was his but he tried to deny the fact I was pregnant.

It was a moment of silence in his car when I told him for about five minutes before we decided just to parent.

We didn't want our daughter to grow up with her parents together it's just shit happens to the point we needed a break.

A long one.

"You'a Get ya ass beat if you do." I heard von say causing me to snap my head and look up seeing him looking back at me, I scoffed and turned the tv and cleaned up asami toys moving them aside before sitting in front of von on my knees so asami was in front of me.

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