Chapter 3 - the task

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A/n This chapter is not very good or long so its very rushed but I had to give you something so I hope you like it.

Andy P.O.V 

Andy looked at the little girl tucked in his bed. Her bedroom was still being made so Andy decided to give his daughter his bedroom until it was done.

'Wow.' He thought 'I have a daughter.'

He knew he might have kids one day but he never thought it would be this soon. If a couple of weeks ago you would have told him he would end up a single father to a daughter that looked like she was seven he would have laughed in your face but now. He didn't know what to think.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in." He spoke with his eyes never leaving his daughter. He now understands why his dad is so overprotective of Lauren and he knew he would grow to love and protect her the same way any dad would.

"Andrew." Reeva gently squeezed his arm making him snap back into reality.

"Why hasn't she woken up yet?" He asked. It's been three days and she still hasn't woken up and he was starting to get a little worried.

"I don't know." Reeva sighed. "Whatever they gave her was too much for her to handle."

Andy's face turned it a unreliable expression, "Are you saying she gonna di-

"Oh no." Reeva cut him off. "She is not going to die, we just don't know when she's going to wake up."






"-Here." The frost sister spoke, making Andy flinch back. He didn't hear them come in.

"Then why are you here?" He looked between all four of the girls

"Well, when we overran the TBO. Hector the leader magne to slip away but when magned to find the." Esme gave Andy the ipad in her hand to see hecter photo taken on one of the security cameras.

"He's in a safe house a couple of miles away."Andy looked at Esme in confusion.

"Why are you telling me this?" He asked

"Because I am sending the telepaths to finish him off and since she's your daughter I was wondering if you wanted to come along." Reeva spoke.




"-for the task Andrew." The frost sisters smirked.

Andy blinked he didn't like killing no matter what some people thought. He just wanted to protect the people he loves which now includes his daughter.

"Yes, I am."


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