Chapter Two

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Today is a most important day, and for some a terrifying one, for today is the day London's marriage-minded misses are presented to Her Majesty the Queen. May God have mercy on their souls.

The Bridgertons had finally arrived, and thankfully they were on time. Daphne was still beyond nervous, but she was hiding it quite well. Loren, with the help of Benedict, had safely gotten off of the horse. She was never a fan of carriages, so riding with Benedict was quite nice. 

Suddenly, out of no where, Anthony Bridgerton finally decided to make his appearance. A wave of relief washed over Daphne at the sight of her eldest brother, "Anthony! You are here." Anthony nodded, his eyes briefly landing on Daphne before flicking to Loren, "I would never miss such an important day for you and for our family." He stated. "No, you would just be late for it." Violet said, annoyance laced in her voice. Anthony's gaze did not waver as he extended his arm out toward Loren, "Shall we?" He asked, nodding toward the large entrance of the castle. Loren linked her arm with his as the two began walking, the rest of the family following behind them. 

Upon reaching the throne room, the family stopped to wish Daphne luck before being presented to the Queen. Violet would be the one to escort her, whereas the rest of the family would be in the audience. Loren hugged her tightly, "You are going to be amazing." She said encouragingly, to which Daphne responded, "You are too kind Loren." The older woman could tell that the girl was still very anxious about being presented before the Queen. "Daph, don't be nervous. You are absolutely flawless." "Yes, sister, you are flawless." Anthony said. Loren playfully glared at him, "Find your own encouraging words, do not steal mine." Anthony rolled his eyes. Violet watched with a smile as the two interacted with one another, they were absolutely perfect for one another. Although they were the only ones who didn't realize it. 

The rest of the family wished Daphne luck, and then departed, leaving Violet and Daphne alone and headed toward the throne room. Once the couple were far enough ahead, Loren whispered, "Where were you?" She questioned. Anthony kept his answer short and sweet, "It is none of your concern." "You're really not going to tell me? I'm shocked." The corner of Anthony's lip curved upward as Loren continued, "I will find out eventually, I always do." "That is very true." Anthony commented. It was hard to hide anything from Loren, for she somehow always found out. It was just a weird quirk that she had acquired, but Anthony loved it. 

Loren took it upon herself to change the subject as to keep the conversation flowing. "How do you think Daphne will do?" She asked curiously. Anthony glanced down at her, "I believe that she will be fine. She's been preparing herself for this for her entire life." He stated. Loren snorts, gasping as she attempts to stifle her giggles as she spoke, "Eloise said that exactly this morning."  A small smile crossed Anthony's face once again at the sound. What a gorgeous sound it was, Anthony couldn't get enough of it. She'd laugh and if he could bottle it up and get drunk on it every night, he would.

Loren's laugh had to be one of his favorite features of the woman. Her personality came in a close second. And her looks-god-she was absolutely gorgeous. Her olive skin was quite flawless, not a blemish visible to the eye, a constellation of freckles coating her skin. And her sapphire eyes. Those beautiful eyes that you couldn't help but become lost in. It seemed as though everything about her was just perfect. Sure, she wasn't the beautiful blondes that many men searched for, but she was gorgeous in her own way. And he wanted nothing more than to run his hands through her gorgeous curls and-


The man was drawn out of his thoughts at the sound of her voice, "Yes?" "Are you alright? You seemed to be in a daze." Loren said softly, her brow creasing slightly in worry. "I am fine, Loren, I was just thinking about Daph's debut." He said, obviously lying, for he could never admit that he was  thinking about her.

The couple had  finally reached the throne room, just in time, for the presentations were about to begin. The family filed in, standing with the rest of the observers. Colin and Benedict both were on the left side of Anthony, while Loren stood in front of him, Hyacinth and Gregory by her side. Eloise was beside Anthony, a look of annoyance plastered on her face as she fiddled with the satin gloves that adorned her hands. She was ready for this to be done with. She just wanted to go home. 

The footman, clad in a bright red coat and a white wig on his head, spoke loudly, "Miss Prudence Featherington, Miss Philipa Featherington, and Miss Penelope Featherington. All presented by their mother, the Right Honorable Lady Featherington."

The large doors opened to reveal the three sisters. The girls were clad in cream and gold gowns. They all walked with no grace whatsoever. Lady Featherington's expression held annoyance as the girls clumsy made their way down the aisle. It seemed as though hours had passed until they finally stood before the Queen. 

Before her Majesty could utter a word, Prudence gasped before collapsing to the ground. The crowd gasped loudly, the Queen casting a disapproving gaze upon the girls. Loren bit her lip, feeling sympathetic for the girls, especially Penelope. The youngest Featherington was a heavy young girl, consumed by baby fat, but Loren believed that she was still beautiful. Of course, others disagreed, but their opinions did not matter. Pen was beautiful in her own way. 

The Featherington's were quickly ushered out of the room, feeling ridiculed and embarrassed. 

The footman spoke again, "Miss Daphne Bridgerton, presented by her mother, the Right Honorable, the Dowager Viscountess Bridgerton." 

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