Chapter Eight

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The sun had only just blessed the sky with it's presence when Loren awoke the next morning. She couldn't remember when she had fallen asleep, but she still found herself to be tired from the experiences of the day before. 

Her gaze fell upon the man who laid beside her, and she was instantly reminded of her dream. A million thoughts whirled through Loren's mind as she relived the fantasy. It was as though she was there, she felt his arms around her waist, his lips pressed against her collarbone. She shook the thought from her mind, attempting to erase it.

She couldn't possibly end up with Anthony? She was meant to be to live out her life with Violet, and watch as the Bridgerton siblings grew, fell in love, had children. She wasn't supposed to be with Anthony. Of course, she'd always found the man to be handsome, although those sideburns he had grown were not working at all. But besides that, he was indeed a very attractive man, but she had never even considered ever courting the man. 

She was screwed.

How was she not aware of her feelings? Loren had always considered the other Bridgerton's as siblings, but with Anthony, she felt different. Was that love? No, she did not fall for Anthony Bridgerton. He was much too brooding and stubborn, and yet, was so caring, and kind at some times. But how? 

How could she have fallen for him?

Why did she fall for him?

Why did she fall for a man she could not have? For Anthony had already sworn off marriage, as he was considered a rake. Although, Loren did not see why, for it was none of her business. 

But she still couldn't wrap her head around it. 

She was drawn out of her complicated thoughts by the sound of the sheets rustling, signaling that Anthony was awake. Loren watched as the man sat up slight, running a hand through his messy hair before he fixed his gaze upon the woman, "Good morning," He greeted, his voice raspy with sleep.

Bloody hell, I'm in love with Anthony Bridgerton.

She shook the thought away before responding, "Morning." "Did you sleep well?" Anthony asked, sending Loren into a sense of deja vu, for he had said the exact same statement in her dream. What was happening? "I slept quite well, thank you." 

Anthony smiled, "Good." 

The man threw his legs over the side of the bed, reaching for the book that had fallen at some point during the night. He stood, turning around to face Loren, holding the thin book in his hand, "Do you mind if I borrow this?" He questioned. The woman nodded, "Of course, but I expect it to be returned to me in perfect condition." She said seriously. Loren was very protective over her books, and Anthony knew that. For in their younger years, he had been the cause of many ruined books, which resulted in Loren not speaking to him for days until he replaced it. 

Now that he was grown, he wouldn't make the same mistake.

Anthony nodded, "I promise I will take great care of this, and if anything happens to it, I assure you, I will replace it immediately." Loren smiled, "Very well." A knock echoed throughout the room, notifying the couple that Poppy, Loren's lady maid, was here to help Loren get ready for the day. 

Anthony cleared his throat, "Well, I must be off to prepare myself for this day. I'm sure suitors will be lined up at the door and it is my duty to help Daphne." Loren stifled a laugh before she responded, "Are you sure you didn't scare them all away last night?" 

Anthony rolled his eyes before approaching the door, pulling it open, "I will see you downstairs." He stated before exiting the room, allowing Poppy to enter. 

"Good morning, Miss. Are you ready for the day?" Poppy asked as she walked toward the wardrobe. "Indeed I am." A smile graced Loren's face as she thought about how comical the day was surely to be with Anthony supervising Daphne, and she was most indeed looking forward to it. 


Loren had entered the drawing room about half an hour after Anthony had left her room. She was greeted by Violet, "Good morning Loren! I am surprised you are awake at such an hour." Loren shrugged, "Well, I awoke early this morning. I considering going back to sleep, but decided that I should be here to support Daphne." 

Violet only nodded in response, hiding a smile. She had wished to discuss something with Anthony the previous night, but found that his room and study were empty. So she went to Loren's room. She had knocked softly, but received no response. Violet had then pushed open the door, a soft smile gracing her features as she set her eyes on the sight before her. The couple were on the bed, Loren curled up against Anthony, snuggled against his side. Anthony held a book in his hand, although it was faltering in his hand for he was dozing off. Loren was in a deep sleep, a soft smile resting upon her face, whereas Anthony was snoring softly now. Violet had watched them for a few minutes, it was moments like these that made her believe that the two were meant to be. She believed that Anthony loved the woman deeply, and doubted he would ever love anyone more than he loved her.

But Violet knew she would never admit it.

For he was afraid to love, all because he was the one forced to watch his Father die. Edmund's death had scared him, for Anthony had seen how the death affected his mother, and he was worried that if he died young, his wife would have to go through the exact same experiences Violet endured, which was understandable. Yet, she still believed that her eldest son deserved a loving life.

Speaking of her eldest son, he had just stormed into the drawing room, shocking everyone, besides Loren, of course. Daphne arched an eyebrow, "Anthony? I did not expect to see you here this morning." Violet nodded, agreeing with her daughter, "It is terribly early for you, dearest." 

Anthony shrugged, shooting a glance at Loren, "I slept quite well and found no reason to sleep in." He stated, glancing around the room, "Am I the first gentlemen to arrive? How wonderful!" He exclaimed, plopping beside Daphne on the lush couch. Loren could tell that Daphne was annoyed, and she gave Anthony a look. This look in particular meant, 'You need to stop or she will never forgive you'. Anthony only sent her a smug smile in response. 

"This is going to be a long day." Violet murmured. 

And it was a long day, indeed.

Not me listening to Jonathan Bailey's version of 'Getting Married Today' on repeat while writing this.

Lord, this man is so freaking talented.

Also I wrote this after watching the s6 finale of Teen Wolf, and was lowkey sobbing the whole time, and I have the sudden urge to write a Stiles Stilinski fanfic bc Stiles is my husband and I love him dearly, so please let me know if any of y'all would be interested in that bc I kinda sorta already have a whole plot so....

Anyways! Thank you for reading! Please comment, I'd love to hear from you guys!


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