Bonus Chapters

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Hello lovelies!!!!!!!! 

I have a big announcement!

I've been rereading this book, and trying to see if any revisions are needed, and I've decided that I will be writing some bonus chapters! I have missed Anthony and Loren so much, and wanted to continue writing for them.

I have also gone back and changed the plot a bit, mainly with Loren's Father, Alexandre. I have realized that it was insensitive to try and forgive what he did so easily. I have wanted to change it for a while but have been so busy with school and figuring out how to change the scene as to not change the entire story. 

But it is updated now, and the plot with him and Loren's birth mother is different now. 

As for the bonus chapters, send in requests! Comment or message me what you would like to see with our cuties and I will gladly write them!

Thank you so much for all the love on this book and I hope you have a fantastic day!


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