Chapter Thirty-One

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The wedding was beautiful. Beautiful couldn't even describe it. Loren hadn't stopped crying during the entirety of it. She had never seen Daphne look as happy as she did when she walked down the aisle. The woman couldn't help but think of how her own wedding would be.

God, her own wedding. She still couldn't believe it. She was going to be marrying the man of her dreams, the love of her life. The two hadn't discussed how or when they'd announce anything, but they intended on waiting until after the excitement of Daphne and Simon died down. 

It was hard not to let anyone knew, but the two were doing an amazing job. 

It was now the reception, and Loren found herself near the refreshment table. Daphne insisted on the woman staying with her, but she dismissed herself, due to not wanting to draw any attention to herself. It was Daphne's big day afterall. A figure approached her, a smile upon his handsome face. Loren wore a matching smile as she spoke, "Hello Anthony." "Hello, my love." He greeted, grasping her gloved hand, bringing it to his lips. The woman blushed, "Anthony, please, people will see."

The man sighed, dropping her hand gently. "I cannot wait until we announce our engagement. We would not have to be so secretive." "All in good time, Anthony." She replied, turning her gaze upon the crowd. Her eyes fell on Daphne, who was surrounded by guests, looking very distressed. Loren felt for the girl, all this attention was surely overwhelming. "Poor thing. She looks absolutely miserable." 

Anthony followed her gaze, "It'll be over soon enough. You should see Simon, now he looks absolutely miserable." Loren scanned the room until she found the taller man. She stifled a laugh for the man looked as though someone had told him his puppy had been killed. It was quite obvious that he wasn't the happiest about the arrangement and the attention. 

"Loren! Anthony!" Benedict's voice rang out, drawing their attention. "Hello Benny, enjoying the festivities?" Loren asked as he approached the two. The man shook his head, snatching the glass of champagne from her grasp. "Benedict!" She exclaimed as he downed the glass. Anthony was giggling like a girl beside her. She glared at him in annoyance, "What was that for??" She questioned. Benedict shrugged, "Mother has been trying to introduce me to multiple women, and I am quite exhausted." Loren rolled her eyes, of course that was the reason. Anthony spoke, "She just doesn't want you to be lonely." 

"Funny of you to say, considering you don't intend on marrying. Which means you leave me to carry on the Bridgerton name." Benedict stated. "Actually, he is leaving Daphne to carry on the Bridgerton name, considering she's the only sibling who is married." Loren said, to which Anthony replied, "For now." 

He immediately realized his mistake. Loren stared at him, eyes widened. It took Benedict a moment, but he soon caught on. "Wait-are-my goodness, have you finally confessed your true feelings for one another??" The two sighed, "Was everyone aware of this? That Loren and I had feelings for one another?" Benedict nodded, "Of course, it was quite obvious."

There was no point asking. The two knew how obvious they were. Everyone knew of their feelings except for themselves. Anthony glanced at his fiancée, "Well, we can trust Benedict with our secret then." Loren's blue eyes widened, "Are you mad, Anthony?" This sparked the other Bridgerton's curiosity, "There's more?? Oh, do tell." 

Loren sighed deeply, wishing that her beloved had just stayed silent, for now they had no choice. "Benedict... Anthony has-well-Anthony has asked for my hand in marriage." Benedict was silent a moment, processing her words. Then he gasped, "You're marrying??" 

Anthony shushed him as few eyes fell on the trio, "Shh! Benedict! It's a secret for a reason. No one must know, not even Mother. Do you understand?" He nodded, his signature crooked smile crossing his face, "I'm happy for you, brother. And I am happy for you, Loren. I know that you two will be very happy together." Loren smiled at him, "Thank you Benny." 

The eldest Bridgerton opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by a servant who was approaching them. "Viscount Bridgerton, Miss Smith, Mr. Bridgerton," he began, bowing before them. The three were very confused, exchanging glances. "There is someone at the door. He is here for Miss Smith." Anthony's dark eyes fell onto the woman beside him, concern coating his features. "It is a private celebration, why is someone here?" He questioned. Loren shushed him, ""Who are they?" She questioned, curious as to who would be here for her. The servant paused a moment, trying to figure out how to explain, "Well, Miss Smith, he claims that he is your father."



I'M BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Short chapter, but I will be updating more! We are soon heading into season 2 where some drama will commence! 

I am so sorry for the long wait, a lot was going on, but I will be updating this more frequently.

Thank you for all the votes and please comment your thoughts!

ALSO: I might've started a Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw story because I am in loveee with this man. Top Gun: Maverick has to be the best movie I've seen in a loooong time! So if you are a Top Gun fan, please check it out!

AND: I finally started watching Outer Banks,,,, and if y'all don't mind-- please let me know if you have recommendations for JJ fics!


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