♤0.2 - settling in♤

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When Harvey woke up, it was the next afternoon and he felt all the weight in his muscles, along with the hundreds of notifications across his phone screen.

Three very stubborn and very anxious individuals had non-stop texted or called him while he slept off the exhaustion and Lake was growing concerned that his new flat mate was going to be dead-asleep for the entire day until Harvey had turned over and slammed onto the floor in a fit of mumbles.


Lake tried to hold back his laughter as the clearly still tired Harvey pushed his sore and barely used body off the floor.

"Welcome to the waking world, sleepyhead."

Harvey rolled his eyes with a smile at the statement before sitting back on the couch, wrapping the blanket he had been given the day before around his shoulders again and finally replying to the messages that were sent.

"So...Salem and Argo are begging me to get my shit from their house. It's mostly just...clothes and decorations."

"You awake enough to get them?"

Harvey nodded and the two silently left the flat and across the street. They kept a small conversation about mutual music preferences as well as personal boundaries while they walked. Harvey found it incredibly easy to speak with Lake, a gentle and calming presence by his side.

As soon as Harvey set the last box on the floor of his new and baren room, he planned to ask Lake about filming.

"Fuck..I just remembered I promised Tommy I'd stream something with him tonight.."

Harvey looked up from his place by the door, a box cutter at the ready to stab into the cardboard box labeled 'art'. Harvey felt a small amount of relief hearing Lake say he'd stream, implying to them that they didn't need too worry about sounding weird.

"..I'm not stopping you" Harvey gave him a small smile but unintentionally pouted with his eyes.

They held eye contact for a moment before Lake inhaled and sighed, shaking his head and typing rapidly on his phone.

"This is going to be weird but I kind of had an idea.."

Lake then proposed the plan to just have Tommy in a discord call while the two unpacked Harvey's new room while Tommy streamed. Harvey and Lake would just provide background chatter.

Harvey shrugged and agreed, mentioning how he was planning on making it part of his youtube video anyways.

As Lake was calling the child known as tommyinnit, Harvey moved a few boxes and handed Lake an extra box cutter.

Just as Lake set his phone down, Tommy answered with a loud screech of his name.

Harvey covered his ears and told the unknown voice (unknown to him at least) to chill out out of habit.

And so, the chaos of Harvey's first ever experience on a twitch stream began.

"LAKE WHAT THE F" Tommy's voice was cut off as Harvey silently lost his shit in the background.

"You'll get use to it" Lake reassured Harvey, who only shook his head with a knowing smile.

"Already am, my little sister is the same way. Screaming constantly."

Harvey stopped laughing and gave a dead-stare to a metaphorical camera right beside Lake's head. Lake began laughing himself as Tommy protested in the background.

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