♤0.3 - day by day♤

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*cw/tw : anxiety attacks/talks of anxiety*

Waking up early wasn't apart of Harvey's plans for the day but when he had jolted awake in the middle of the night and couldn't get back to sleep, he decided to just stay up anyways.

Bad idea, seeing as the rest of the day he was filled with overspilling anxiety and couldn't find anyway to calm down that didn't require having another person near him.

Harvey never talked much about his anxiety, seeing as it hadn't been such a problem when he started testorone a few years ago. However, sometimes it would flare up in the most inconvenient ways and he'd essentially shut down for a day or two. He'd get shakey in his hands and legs, full body shivers and an overwhelming urge to chew on his lips and nails.

Usually listening to music would calm him down enough to sleep off the shaking of his legs but on some occasions the incoherent thoughts would drown out the voices of clarity.

With regret, Harvey went to the only other person in the house that could possibly help bring him to a controllable calm. Or at the very least could get him to focus and not zone out for hours on end.

He failed to realize Lake was streaming as he knocked lightly on the door and walked in, Lake's eyes going wide only when he wrapped his arms around him and Harvey buried his head into the crook of Lake's neck.

Lake quickly switched to a "be back soon" screen and muted his mic while chat spammed Harvey's name. Lake could tell something was wrong with the way Harvey was shaking and holding onto him with such a tight grip he was sure Harvey was using him as a physical anchor.

"What's wrong, Ev?"

Harvey let out a shakey breath, tears gathering in his eyes as he reluctantly let go to sit down on the other chair. Lake reached a hand out, smiling slightly in reassurance when Harvey grabbed it, allowing Lake to squeeze it and run his thumb over the others knuckles.

"Fuckin anxiety...I don't even know what's causing it."

Lake nodded, having an idea but not saying it in slight fear that it'd send the other spiraling further and just not wanting to set off any more anxiety than what was already spilling into the small affection between the two of them.

"I tried listening to music, grounding myself, painting. Literally every other thing that usually chills me out but none of its worked..." Harvey drummed his fingers on his knee, eyes glued to their hand that held on to Lake's.

"So you came to me?" Harvey nodded before standing up. He was doing a bit better now that Lake was in his presence and hearing his voice was just as calming as ever.

Lake pouted slightly before he stood as well, fully embracing Harvey who tucked his head into Lake's chest and breathed in his scent. It was warmth with a hints of lavender and sandalwood. It made Harvey smiled before he had to stop himself from laughing at the weak and stupid thought that Lake purposely smelled like that knowing from their previous conversations and text messages that those scents calmed Harvey the most.

"Im..gonna go take a warm shower. Thank you..for calming me down Indie."

Lake smiled and ruffled Harvey's hair, kissing his cheek and waving to him as he left.

Lake sat in silence for a minute to take a deep breath and recollect himself, unmuting and switching back to his regular screen.

"Sorry chat, now where were we?"

"I believe I was kicking your ass!" Tommy's voice cheered, his character hitting Lake's character before running in the opposite direction.

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