Journaling | Chpt 40

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(y/n)'s POV

I entered the common room with a bowl of fruit, looking over at Deku. He was sitting on a sofa and watching the news, no matter how depressing, all by himself. I saw Kota at the two tables, looking over a book. I decided to sit near Kota. I knocked gently on the table.

"This seat taken?" I asked and he shook his head, turning back to his book. I sat down across from him, setting my bowl of fruit down. I had my bag with my journal in it. I had basically abandoned my journal at this point, the last time I wrote in it was...before the first Toga attack. After the counsel had ruled I could stay, they stopped asking to see my journal. Now that I was signed with them, clearly they didn't seem to want to read my journal entries.

I hadn't made any, anyways.

I pulled it out and opened it up while the TV ran, the rest of the common room quiet. I decided that I would write in the journal just for me. I should want to see progress in myself anyways, not be forced to participate. I opened it up to a fresh page, skipping over the sad and depressing prologue containing my weird origin story. I considered scratching out a few things that were incriminating, like the fact one of the last things I think I wrote in here was about Bakugo and Kirishima.

If they got a hold of this, it would be devastatingly embarrasing and I really didnt want to go through that. There was a lull in my thought after I dated the page, taping my finger on the paper.

I have now signed with VIP to help teach other VIP members how to make the most of the program. I think I did a good job talking to the class yesterday, but I've run into Hibiki. I don't know whether to trust his instincts. He seems to believe that we have a deeper connection than we actually do. We are two different people and I don't know if I can really help him. He keeps insisting that he's never done anything wrong to me, which is technically true, but we were never that close anyways. He didn't have much time to really do me wrong.

Either way, he thinks that VIP is sedating their placements. It worries me that they might've done it to me. I don't know how and Hibiki has no evidence. I wonder if he's lost, searching for a cause to fight that his father is in jail.

It made me sick to hear that his father is in the same jail as my mother. Hibiki had ensured that he could keep his father away from my mother if I could help him find a better path as a better person, and he would let me know if I was in danger with villains if I helped him investigate VIP.

I paused, my pencil poised to continue. Writing it down, it all seemed more concise. But now, as my stomach drops and curls at the base of my rib cage, I realize that Hibiki knew I wanted to protect my mother.

I had never shown admiration towards either of my parents in the time we spent together. He knew she was in jail, most everyone did, but I hadn't expressed to many people that my mother and I were on good terms. In the trial, the public records showed that I was still hateful and distrusting of her.

How...did he know?

Hibiki must know more than he lets on. My trust for him, as little as it is now, is wavering more. He knows that my relationship with my mother is better, but how? Was VIP putting that forth to its members?

Am I a sellout?

Or does he know way more than he should?

I keep letting all of this bottle up and I don't know who I can talk to. Aizawa is a good person, I trust him but I fear that things might not turn out good if I spill everything. Mina is a good confidant, but she wouldn't know what to do in a situation like this. At least I don't think she would. I want to trust Kirishima and Bakugo but things have been weird between us.

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