Winner | Chpt 54

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(y/n)'s POV

The court case went so much better than I could've ever imagined. Turns out that being a part of the case mainly by choice was a lot better than sitting through a trial that determined a bleak future. It wasn't bleak at school, luckily, but it was still weird to sit through the trial that imprisoned my mother.

I was sat with Aizawa, still nervous despite being in the government building on better terms. There would always be times that I felt like I didn't belong somewhere, that was just the trauma talking. Those times were few and far between now. Again, I was still nervous. I held onto Aizawa's sleeve while the judge walked in and sat down.

There was a lot of odd lingo that I didn't understand, explaining the different laws that were broken and what was being charged of the president of VIP. He was a nasty looking man and I was semi-glad I had never seen him before. He wore a huge frown, which seemed like the opposite of what a president should have. He was supposed to be running the foundation or initiative to help kids, but just by the sneer he made sense that he would've put sedatives in the foods distributed to those kids. He was short, just tall enough for his feet to reach the floor when he sat down. He was losing hair, wore an abysmal brown blazer over clothes that genuinely looked ancient, and he had patchy skin from aging too quickly. The lawyer beside him didn't look too great either. He was much taller and extremely lanky. His suit pants were floods and his neck jutted forwards so that he didn't have to lean in to read papers close up. He was still wearing glasses anyways, squinting at the papers and craning his neck further. His hair stuck up at the back and he looked like he knew he would be losing. I think the entire courtroom knew that, by the substantial amount of evidence against VIP. 

I brushed out my skirt, wearing the most professional clothes I could find. I felt sort of like a business woman, by the way I was stuffed into stiff material. Hibiki was supposed to be coming in as a witness, as was I. Tsukauchi stood at the table within the court's center. He was essentially leading the allegations against VIP, since I couldn't. He had a woman beside him as the actual lawyer, just acting as detective. 

"You alright?" Aizawa questioned, voice low. If he talked any louder, it might echo. I just nodded yes, having relinquished his sleeve once the judge sat down. He placed a hand on the back of my head for a moment, turning to look back towards the center floor. I glanced at the door, waiting on Hibiki. Obviously, he was under more scrutinizing watch with VIP, but the president was here being tried. Maybe he was just late.

"We shall commence."

I put it out of my brain.

Obviously, the evidence was laid out. Several packages of food from me and from the VIP facilities were positive for ketamine, several accounts of feeling 'unlike themselves' at the beginning of placement, workers in the food inspection units, etc.

"We'll be calling (y/n) to the stand."

I got up and brushed off my skirt, shuffling up towards the stand. I sat down, awaiting my line of questioning. Once it was aware of who I was in relation to the association, I laid out how things had come to light.

"I started to talk to VIP students for VIP because I was their first placement. I ended up running into an old friend, Hibiki Naru outside of VIP and found out that he was actually a part of the program as well. He had been placed and upon further talk with this VIP, it came to my attention that something didn't really seem right. He seemed to think that food coming to placements were laced with something. I had just received a package from VIP for starting to talk on their behalf. I checked the food inside and confirmed with my host and guardian Shouta Aizawa that food made its way into VIP first. There was a mark on the packages that was not a part of the original packaging. After that, I had Shouta Aizawa call detective Tsukauchi to test the food and that was when the results came back with Ketamine."

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